/** * Perform basic tests for the split command against mongos. */ (function() { "use strict"; var st = new ShardingTest({ shards: 1, other: { chunkSize: 1 }}); var configDB = st.s.getDB('config'); // split on invalid ns. assert.commandFailed(configDB.adminCommand({ split: 'user', key: { _id: 1 }})); // split on unsharded collection (db is not sharding enabled). assert.commandFailed(configDB.adminCommand({ split: 'test.user', key: { _id: 1 }})); configDB.adminCommand({ enableSharding: 'test' }); // split on unsharded collection (db is sharding enabled). assert.commandFailed(configDB.adminCommand({ split: 'test.user', key: { _id: 1 }})); assert.commandWorked(configDB.adminCommand({ shardCollection: 'test.user', key: { _id: 1 }})); assert.eq(null, configDB.chunks.findOne({ ns: 'test.user', min: { _id: 0 }})); assert.commandWorked(configDB.adminCommand({ split: 'test.user', middle: { _id: 0 }})); assert.neq(null, configDB.chunks.findOne({ ns: 'test.user', min: { _id: 0 }})); // Cannot split on existing chunk boundary. assert.commandFailed(configDB.adminCommand({ split: 'test.user', middle: { _id: 0 }})); // Attempt to split on a value that is not the shard key. assert.commandFailed(configDB.adminCommand({ split: 'test.user', middle: { x: 100 }})); assert.commandFailed(configDB.adminCommand({ split: 'test.user', find: { x: 100 }})); assert.commandFailed(configDB.adminCommand({ split: 'test.user', bounds: [{ x: MinKey }, { x: MaxKey }]})); // Insert documents large enough to fill up a chunk, but do it directly in the shard in order // to bypass the auto-split logic. var kiloDoc = new Array(1024).join('x'); var testDB = st.d0.getDB('test'); var bulk = testDB.user.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); for (var x = -1200; x < 1200; x++) { bulk.insert({ _id: x, val: kiloDoc }); } assert.writeOK(bulk.execute()); assert.eq(1, configDB.chunks.find({ ns: 'test.user', min: { $gte: { _id: 0 }}}).itcount()); // Errors if bounds do not correspond to existing chunk boundaries. assert.commandFailed(configDB.adminCommand({ split: 'test.user', bounds: [{ _id: 0 }, { _id: 1000 }]})); assert.eq(1, configDB.chunks.find({ ns: 'test.user', min: { $gte: { _id: 0 }}}).itcount()); assert.commandWorked(configDB.adminCommand({ split: 'test.user', bounds: [{ _id: 0 }, { _id: MaxKey }]})); assert.gt(configDB.chunks.find({ ns: 'test.user', min: { $gte: { _id: 0 }}}).itcount(), 1); assert.eq(1, configDB.chunks.find({ ns: 'test.user', min: { $lt: { _id: 0 }}}).itcount()); assert.commandWorked(configDB.adminCommand({ split: 'test.user', find: { _id: -1 }})); assert.gt(configDB.chunks.find({ ns: 'test.user', min: { $lt: { _id: 0 }}}).itcount(), 1); // // Compound Key // assert.commandWorked(configDB.adminCommand({ shardCollection: 'test.compound', key: { x: 1, y: 1 }})); assert.eq(null, configDB.chunks.findOne({ ns: 'test.compound', min: { x: 0, y: 0 }})); assert.commandWorked(configDB.adminCommand({ split: 'test.compound', middle: { x: 0, y: 0 }})); assert.neq(null, configDB.chunks.findOne({ ns: 'test.compound', min: { x: 0, y: 0 }})); // cannot split on existing chunk boundary. assert.commandFailed(configDB.adminCommand({ split: 'test.compound', middle: { x: 0, y: 0 }})); bulk = testDB.compound.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); for (x = -1200; x < 1200; x++) { bulk.insert({ x: x, y: x, val: kiloDoc }); } assert.writeOK(bulk.execute()); assert.eq(1, configDB.chunks.find({ ns: 'test.compound', min: { $gte: { x: 0, y: 0 }}}).itcount()); assert.commandWorked(configDB.adminCommand({ split: 'test.compound', bounds: [{ x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: MaxKey, y: MaxKey }]})); assert.gt(configDB.chunks.find({ ns: 'test.compound', min: { $gte: { x: 0, y: 0 }}}).itcount(), 1); assert.eq(1, configDB.chunks.find({ ns: 'test.compound', min: { $lt: { x: 0, y: 0 }}}).itcount()); assert.commandWorked(configDB.adminCommand({ split: 'test.compound', find: { x: -1, y: -1 }})); assert.gt(configDB.chunks.find({ ns: 'test.compound', min: { $lt: { x: 0, y: 0 }}}).itcount(), 1); st.stop(); })();