/* * Tests that bulk write ordered operations succeed on a two shard cluster with both * sharded and unsharded data. * @tags: [multiversion_incompatible, featureFlagBulkWriteCommand] */ (function() { 'use strict'; load("jstests/libs/namespace_utils.js"); // getDBNameAndCollNameFromFullNamespace() const st = new ShardingTest({ shards: 2, mongos: 2, config: 1, rs: {nodes: 1}, mongosOptions: {setParameter: {logComponentVerbosity: tojson({sharding: 4})}} }); function getCollection(ns) { const [dbName, collName] = getDBNameAndCollNameFromFullNamespace(ns); return st.s0.getDB(dbName)[collName]; } const banana = "test.banana"; const orange = "test2.orange"; const staleConfigBananaLog = /7279201.*Noting stale config response.*banana/; const staleConfigOrangeLog = /7279201.*Noting stale config response.*orange/; const staleDbTest2Log = /7279202.*Noting stale database response.*test2/; jsTestLog("Case 1: Collection does't exist yet."); // Case 1: The collection doesn't exist yet. This results in a StaleConfig error on the // shards and consequently mongos and the shards must all refresh. Then mongos needs to // retry the bulk operation. // Connect via the first mongos. We do this so that the second mongos remains unused until // a later test case. const db_s0 = st.s0.getDB("test"); assert.commandWorked(db_s0.adminCommand({ bulkWrite: 1, ops: [{insert: 0, document: {a: 0}}, {insert: 0, document: {a: 1}}], nsInfo: [{ns: banana}] })); let insertedDocs = getCollection(banana).find({}).toArray(); assert.eq(2, insertedDocs.length, `Inserted docs: '${tojson(insertedDocs)}'`); assert(checkLog.checkContainsOnce(st.s0, staleConfigBananaLog)); jsTestLog("Case 2: The collection exists for some of writes, but not for others."); assert.commandWorked(db_s0.adminCommand({ bulkWrite: 1, ops: [ {insert: 0, document: {a: 2}}, {insert: 1, document: {a: 0}}, {insert: 0, document: {a: 3}} ], nsInfo: [{ns: banana}, {ns: orange}] })); insertedDocs = getCollection(banana).find({}).toArray(); assert.eq(4, insertedDocs.length, `Inserted docs: '${tojson(insertedDocs)}'`); insertedDocs = getCollection(orange).find({}).toArray(); assert.eq(1, insertedDocs.length, `Inserted docs: '${tojson(insertedDocs)}'`); assert(checkLog.checkContainsOnce(st.s0, staleConfigOrangeLog)); jsTestLog("Case 3: StaleDbVersion when unsharded collection moves between shards."); const db_s1 = st.s1.getDB("test"); // Case 3: Move the 'test2' DB back and forth across shards. This will result in bulkWrite // getting a StaleDbVersion error. We run this on s1 so s0 doesn't know about the change. assert.commandWorked(db_s1.adminCommand({movePrimary: 'test2', to: st.shard0.shardName})); assert.commandWorked(db_s1.adminCommand({movePrimary: 'test2', to: st.shard1.shardName})); // Now run the bulk write command on s0. assert.commandWorked(db_s0.adminCommand( {bulkWrite: 1, ops: [{insert: 0, document: {a: 3}}], nsInfo: [{ns: orange}]})); insertedDocs = getCollection(orange).find({}).toArray(); assert.eq(2, insertedDocs.length, `Inserted docs: '${tojson(insertedDocs)}'`); assert(checkLog.checkContainsOnce(st.s0, staleDbTest2Log)); jsTestLog("Case 4: The collection is sharded and lives on both shards."); // Case 4: Shard the collection and manually move chunks so that they live on // both shards. We stop the balancer as well. We do all of this on s0, but then, // we run a bulk write command through the s1 that has a stale view of the cluster. assert.commandWorked(st.stopBalancer()); jsTestLog("Shard the collection."); assert.commandWorked(getCollection(banana).createIndex({a: 1})); assert.commandWorked(db_s0.adminCommand({enableSharding: "test"})); assert.commandWorked(db_s0.adminCommand({shardCollection: banana, key: {a: 1}})); jsTestLog("Create chunks, then move them."); assert.commandWorked(db_s0.adminCommand({split: banana, middle: {a: 2}})); assert.commandWorked( db_s0.adminCommand({moveChunk: banana, find: {a: 0}, to: st.shard0.shardName})); assert.commandWorked( db_s0.adminCommand({moveChunk: banana, find: {a: 3}, to: st.shard1.shardName})); jsTestLog("Running bulk write command."); assert.commandWorked(db_s1.adminCommand({ bulkWrite: 1, ops: [ {insert: 0, document: {a: -1}}, {insert: 1, document: {a: 1}}, {insert: 0, document: {a: 4}} ], nsInfo: [{ns: banana}, {ns: orange}] })); insertedDocs = getCollection(banana).find({}).toArray(); assert.eq(6, insertedDocs.length, `Inserted docs: '${tojson(insertedDocs)}'`); insertedDocs = getCollection(orange).find({}).toArray(); assert.eq(3, insertedDocs.length, `Inserted docs: '${tojson(insertedDocs)}'`); // Checklog doesn't work in this case because mongos may refresh its routing info before // runningthe bulkWrite command, which means that the logs we're looking for won't get printed. // However, since the number of documents matched up in the asserts above, it means that mongos // must've correctly routed the bulkWrite command. st.stop(); })();