/** * Test that a change stream pipeline which encounters a retryable exception responds to the client * with an error object that includes the "ResumableChangeStreamError" label. * @tags: [ * requires_sharding, * uses_change_streams, * ] */ (function() { "use strict"; // Skip cross-cluster consistency checks, since this test prematurely shuts down a shard. TestData.skipCheckingUUIDsConsistentAcrossCluster = true; TestData.skipCheckingIndexesConsistentAcrossCluster = true; // Create a two-shard cluster so that we can stop one shard to test connection interruptions. const st = new ShardingTest({ shards: 2, mongos: 1, rs: {nodes: 1, setParameter: {writePeriodicNoops: true, periodicNoopIntervalSecs: 1}} }); const testDB = st.s.getDB(jsTestName()); const coll = testDB.test; // The set of errors which might be thrown if we attempt to getMore after stopping a shard. const expectedStopShardErrors = [ ErrorCodes.HostUnreachable, ErrorCodes.HostNotFound, ErrorCodes.NetworkTimeout, ErrorCodes.SocketException, ErrorCodes.ShutdownInProgress, ErrorCodes.PrimarySteppedDown, ErrorCodes.NotWritablePrimary, ErrorCodes.InterruptedAtShutdown, ErrorCodes.InterruptedDueToReplStateChange, ErrorCodes.NotPrimaryNoSecondaryOk, ErrorCodes.NotPrimaryOrSecondary ]; // First, verify that the 'failGetMoreAfterCursorCheckout' failpoint can effectively exercise the // error label generation logic for change stream getMores. function testFailGetMoreAfterCursorCheckoutFailpoint({mongos, errorCode, expectedLabel}) { errorCode = ErrorCodes.doMongosRewrite(mongos, errorCode); // Activate the failpoint and set the exception that it will throw. assert.commandWorked(testDB.adminCommand({ configureFailPoint: "failGetMoreAfterCursorCheckout", mode: "alwaysOn", data: {"errorCode": errorCode} })); // Now open a valid $changeStream cursor... const aggCmdRes = assert.commandWorked( coll.runCommand("aggregate", {pipeline: [{$changeStream: {}}], cursor: {}})); // ... run a getMore using the cursorID from the original command response, and confirm that the // expected error was thrown... const getMoreRes = assert.commandFailedWithCode( testDB.runCommand({getMore: aggCmdRes.cursor.id, collection: coll.getName()}), errorCode); /// ... and confirm that the label is present or absent depending on the "expectedLabel" value. const errorLabels = (getMoreRes.errorLabels || []); assert.eq("errorLabels" in getMoreRes, expectedLabel, getMoreRes); assert.eq(errorLabels.includes("ResumableChangeStreamError"), expectedLabel, getMoreRes); // Finally, disable the failpoint. assert.commandWorked( testDB.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: "failGetMoreAfterCursorCheckout", mode: "off"})); } // Test the expected output for both resumable and non-resumable error codes. testFailGetMoreAfterCursorCheckoutFailpoint( {mongos: st.s, errorCode: ErrorCodes.ShutdownInProgress, expectedLabel: true}); testFailGetMoreAfterCursorCheckoutFailpoint( {mongos: st.s, errorCode: ErrorCodes.FailedToParse, expectedLabel: false}); // Now test both aggregate and getMore under conditions of an actual cluster outage. Shard the // collection on shard0, split at {_id: 0}, and move the upper chunk to the other shard. assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({enableSharding: testDB.getName()})); st.ensurePrimaryShard(testDB.getName(), st.shard0.shardName); st.shardColl(coll, {_id: 1}, {_id: 0}, {_id: 0}); // Open a change stream on the collection... const csCursor = coll.watch([]); // ... insert some documents, ensuring that they are split across both shards... for (let i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) { assert.commandWorked(coll.insert([{_id: -i}, {_id: i}])); } // ... and read all the corresponding events from the stream. assert.soon(() => { return (csCursor.hasNext() && csCursor.next().documentKey._id === 10); }); // Issue a "find" query to retrieve the first few documents, leaving the cursor open. const findCursor = coll.find({}).sort({_id: 1}).batchSize(2); assert.docEq(findCursor.next(), {_id: -10}); assert.docEq(findCursor.next(), {_id: -9}); assert.eq(findCursor.objsLeftInBatch(), 0); // Open a non-$changeStream agg cursor. Set the batchSize to 0, since otherwise the aggregation will // pull all documents from the shards at once and cache them on mongoS, meaning that the subsequent // getMore will not attempt to contact a shard and will not throw the expected network exception. const aggCursor = coll.aggregate([{$match: {}}, {$sort: {_id: 1}}], {cursor: {batchSize: 0}}); // Now stop shard0... st.rs0.stopSet(); // ... and confirm that getMore on the $changeStream throws one of the expected exceptions. let err = assert.throws(() => assert.soon(() => csCursor.hasNext())); assert.commandFailedWithCode(err, expectedStopShardErrors); // Confirm that the response includes the "ResumableChangeStreamError" error label. assert("errorLabels" in err, err); assert.contains("ResumableChangeStreamError", err.errorLabels, err); // Confirm that getMore on the find cursor throws the same exception... err = assert.throws(() => assert.soon(() => findCursor.hasNext())); assert.commandFailedWithCode(err, expectedStopShardErrors); // ... but does NOT have the "ResumableChangeStreamError" error label. assert(!("errorLabels" in err), err); // Confirm that getMore on the non-$changeStream agg cursor throws the same exception... err = assert.throws(() => assert.soon(() => aggCursor.hasNext())); assert.commandFailedWithCode(err, expectedStopShardErrors); // ... but does NOT have the "ResumableChangeStreamError" error label. assert(!("errorLabels" in err), err); // Now confirm that attempting to open a new stream fails on the initial aggregate. err = assert.throws(() => coll.watch([])); assert.commandFailedWithCode(err, ErrorCodes.FailedToSatisfyReadPreference); // Confirm that the response includes the "ResumableChangeStreamError" error label. assert("errorLabels" in err, err); assert.contains("ResumableChangeStreamError", err.errorLabels, err); // Attempting to issue a non-$changeStream aggregation also fails... err = assert.throws(() => coll.aggregate([{$match: {}}, {$sort: {_id: 1}}]).itcount()); assert.commandFailedWithCode(err, ErrorCodes.FailedToSatisfyReadPreference); //... but does NOT include the "ResumableChangeStreamError" error label. assert(!("errorLabels" in err), err); // Attempting to issue a new "find" query also fails... err = assert.throws(() => coll.find({}).sort({_id: 1}).itcount()); assert.commandFailedWithCode(err, ErrorCodes.FailedToSatisfyReadPreference); // ... but does NOT include the "ResumableChangeStreamError" error label. assert(!("errorLabels" in err), err); st.stop(); }());