// Tests that change streams and their update lookups obey the read preference specified by the // user. (function() { "use strict"; load('jstests/libs/profiler.js'); // For various profiler helpers. // For supportsMajorityReadConcern. load('jstests/multiVersion/libs/causal_consistency_helpers.js'); // This test only works on storage engines that support committed reads, skip it if the // configured engine doesn't support it. if (!supportsMajorityReadConcern()) { jsTestLog("Skipping test since storage engine doesn't support majority read concern."); return; } const st = new ShardingTest({ name: "change_stream_read_pref", shards: 2, rs: { nodes: 2, // Use a higher frequency for periodic noops to speed up the test. setParameter: {periodicNoopIntervalSecs: 1, writePeriodicNoops: true} }, }); const dbName = jsTestName(); const mongosDB = st.s0.getDB(dbName); const mongosColl = mongosDB[jsTestName()]; // Enable sharding on the test DB and ensure its primary is shard0000. assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.adminCommand({enableSharding: mongosDB.getName()})); st.ensurePrimaryShard(mongosDB.getName(), st.rs0.getURL()); // Shard the test collection on _id. assert.commandWorked( mongosDB.adminCommand({shardCollection: mongosColl.getFullName(), key: {_id: 1}})); // Split the collection into 2 chunks: [MinKey, 0), [0, MaxKey]. assert.commandWorked( mongosDB.adminCommand({split: mongosColl.getFullName(), middle: {_id: 0}})); // Move the [0, MaxKey] chunk to shard0001. assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.adminCommand( {moveChunk: mongosColl.getFullName(), find: {_id: 1}, to: st.rs1.getURL()})); // Turn on the profiler. for (let rs of[st.rs0, st.rs1]) { assert.commandWorked(rs.getPrimary().getDB(dbName).setProfilingLevel(2)); assert.commandWorked(rs.getSecondary().getDB(dbName).setProfilingLevel(2)); } // Write a document to each chunk. assert.writeOK(mongosColl.insert({_id: -1}, {writeConcern: {w: "majority"}})); assert.writeOK(mongosColl.insert({_id: 1}, {writeConcern: {w: "majority"}})); // Test that change streams go to the primary by default. let changeStreamComment = "change stream against primary"; const primaryStream = mongosColl.aggregate([{$changeStream: {fullDocument: "updateLookup"}}], {comment: changeStreamComment}); assert.writeOK(mongosColl.update({_id: -1}, {$set: {updated: true}})); assert.writeOK(mongosColl.update({_id: 1}, {$set: {updated: true}})); assert.soon(() => primaryStream.hasNext()); assert.eq(primaryStream.next().fullDocument, {_id: -1, updated: true}); assert.soon(() => primaryStream.hasNext()); assert.eq(primaryStream.next().fullDocument, {_id: 1, updated: true}); for (let rs of[st.rs0, st.rs1]) { const primaryDB = rs.getPrimary().getDB(dbName); // Test that the change stream itself goes to the primary. There might be more than one if // we needed multiple getMores to retrieve the changes. // TODO SERVER-31650 We have to use 'originatingCommand' here and look for the getMore // because the initial aggregate will not show up. profilerHasAtLeastOneMatchingEntryOrThrow( {profileDB: primaryDB, filter: {'originatingCommand.comment': changeStreamComment}}); // Test that the update lookup goes to the primary as well. profilerHasSingleMatchingEntryOrThrow({ profileDB: primaryDB, filter: { op: "query", ns: mongosColl.getFullName(), "command.comment": changeStreamComment } }); } primaryStream.close(); // Test that change streams go to the secondary when the readPreference is {mode: "secondary"}. changeStreamComment = 'change stream against secondary'; const secondaryStream = mongosColl.aggregate([{$changeStream: {fullDocument: "updateLookup"}}], {comment: changeStreamComment, $readPreference: {mode: "secondary"}}); assert.writeOK(mongosColl.update({_id: -1}, {$set: {updatedCount: 2}})); assert.writeOK(mongosColl.update({_id: 1}, {$set: {updatedCount: 2}})); assert.soon(() => secondaryStream.hasNext()); assert.eq(secondaryStream.next().fullDocument, {_id: -1, updated: true, updatedCount: 2}); assert.soon(() => secondaryStream.hasNext()); assert.eq(secondaryStream.next().fullDocument, {_id: 1, updated: true, updatedCount: 2}); for (let rs of[st.rs0, st.rs1]) { const secondaryDB = rs.getSecondary().getDB(dbName); // Test that the change stream itself goes to the secondary. There might be more than one if // we needed multiple getMores to retrieve the changes. // TODO SERVER-31650 We have to use 'originatingCommand' here and look for the getMore // because the initial aggregate will not show up. profilerHasAtLeastOneMatchingEntryOrThrow( {profileDB: secondaryDB, filter: {'originatingCommand.comment': changeStreamComment}}); // Test that the update lookup goes to the secondary as well. profilerHasSingleMatchingEntryOrThrow({ profileDB: secondaryDB, filter: { op: "query", ns: mongosColl.getFullName(), "command.comment": changeStreamComment, // We need to filter out any profiler entries with a stale config - this is the // first read on this secondary with a readConcern specified, so it is the first // read on this secondary that will enforce shard version. errCode: {$ne: ErrorCodes.StaleConfig} } }); } secondaryStream.close(); st.stop(); }());