// Tests for the connPoolStats command. (function() { "use strict"; // Create a cluster with 2 shards. var cluster = new ShardingTest({shards: 2}); // Needed because the command was expanded post 3.2 var version = cluster.s.getDB("admin").runCommand({buildinfo: 1}).versionArray; var post32 = (version[0] > 4) || ((version[0] == 3) && (version[1] > 2)); // Run the connPoolStats command var stats = cluster.s.getDB("admin").runCommand({connPoolStats: 1}); // Validate output printjson(stats); assert.commandWorked(stats); assert("replicaSets" in stats); assert("hosts" in stats); assert("numClientConnections" in stats); assert("numAScopedConnections" in stats); assert("totalInUse" in stats); assert("totalAvailable" in stats); assert("totalCreated" in stats); assert.lte(stats["totalInUse"] + stats["totalAvailable"], stats["totalCreated"], tojson(stats)); if (post32) { assert("pools" in stats); assert("totalRefreshing" in stats); assert.lte(stats["totalInUse"] + stats["totalAvailable"] + stats["totalRefreshing"], stats["totalCreated"], tojson(stats)); } })();