/** * Test count commands against the config servers, including when some of them are down. * This test fails when run with authentication due to SERVER-6327 */ // Checking UUID consistency requires querying the config primary, but this test shuts down 2 out of // the 3 config servers. Therefore, we cannot do the check on this test. TestData.skipCheckingUUIDsConsistentAcrossCluster = true; (function() { "use strict"; var st = new ShardingTest({name: 'sync_conn_cmd', shards: 0}); st.s.setSlaveOk(true); var configDB = st.config; var coll = configDB.test; for (var x = 0; x < 10; x++) { assert.writeOK(coll.insert({v: x})); } if (st.configRS) { // Make sure the inserts are replicated to all config servers. st.configRS.awaitReplication(); } var testNormalCount = function() { var cmdRes = configDB.runCommand({count: coll.getName()}); assert(cmdRes.ok); assert.eq(10, cmdRes.n); }; var testCountWithQuery = function() { var cmdRes = configDB.runCommand({count: coll.getName(), query: {v: {$gt: 6}}}); assert(cmdRes.ok); assert.eq(3, cmdRes.n); }; // Use invalid query operator to make the count return error var testInvalidCount = function() { var cmdRes = configDB.runCommand({count: coll.getName(), query: {$c: {$abc: 3}}}); assert(!cmdRes.ok); assert(cmdRes.errmsg.length > 0); }; // Test with all config servers up testNormalCount(); testCountWithQuery(); testInvalidCount(); // Test with the first config server down MongoRunner.stopMongod(st.c0); testNormalCount(); testCountWithQuery(); testInvalidCount(); // Test with the first and second config server down MongoRunner.stopMongod(st.c1); jsTest.log('Second server is down'); testNormalCount(); testCountWithQuery(); testInvalidCount(); st.stop(); }());