/** * This is the test for $documents stage in aggregation pipeline on a sharded collection. * @tags: [ do_not_wrap_aggregations_in_facets, requires_fcv_51 ] * */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/aggregation/extras/utils.js"); // For resultsEq. let st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2}); const db = st.s.getDB(jsTestName()); const dbName = db.getName(); assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({enableSharding: dbName})); // Create sharded collections. const coll = db['shardedColl']; st.shardColl(coll, {x: 1}, {x: 1}, {x: 1}, dbName); const lookup_coll = db['lookupColl']; st.shardColl(lookup_coll, {id_name: 1}, {id_name: 1}, {id_name: 1}, dbName); for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { assert.commandWorked(lookup_coll.insert({id_name: i, name: "name_" + i})); } // $documents given an array of objects. const docs = db.aggregate([{$documents: [{a1: 1}, {a1: 2}]}]).toArray(); assert.eq(2, docs.length); assert.eq(docs[0], {a1: 1}); assert.eq(docs[1], {a1: 2}); // $documents evaluates to an array of objects. const docs1 = db.aggregate([{$documents: {$map: {input: {$range: [0, 100]}, in : {x: "$$this"}}}}]).toArray(); assert.eq(100, docs1.length); for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { assert.eq(docs1[i], {x: i}); } // $documents evaluates to an array of objects. const docsUnionWith = coll.aggregate([ { $unionWith: { pipeline: [{$documents: {$map: {input: {$range: [0, 5]}, in : {x: "$$this"}}}}] } }, {$group: {_id: "$x", x: {$first: "$x"}}}, {$project: {_id: 0}}, ]) .toArray(); assert(resultsEq([{x: 0}, {x: 1}, {x: 2}, {x: 3}, {x: 4}], docsUnionWith)); { // $documents with const objects inside $unionWith. const res = coll.aggregate([ {$unionWith: {pipeline: [{$documents: [{x: 1}, {x: 2}]}]}}, {$group: {_id: "$x", x: {$first: "$x"}}}, {$project: {_id: 0}} ]) .toArray(); assert(resultsEq([{x: 1}, {x: 2}], res)); } { // $documents with const objects inside $lookup (no "coll", explicit $match). const res = lookup_coll.aggregate([ { $lookup: { let: {"id_lookup": "$id_name"}, pipeline: [ {$documents: [{xx: 1}, {xx: 2}, {xx : 3}]}, { $match: { $expr: { $eq: ["$$id_lookup", "$xx"] } } } ], as: "names" } }, {$match: {"names": {"$ne": []}}}, {$project: {_id: 0}} ] ) .toArray(); assert(resultsEq( [ {id_name: 1, name: "name_1", names: [{"xx": 1}]}, {id_name: 2, name: "name_2", names: [{"xx": 2}]}, {id_name: 3, name: "name_3", names: [{"xx": 3}]} ], res)); } { // $documents with const objects inside $lookup (no "coll", + localField/foreignField). const res = lookup_coll.aggregate([ { $lookup: { localField: "id_name", foreignField: "xx", pipeline: [ {$documents: [{xx: 1}, {xx: 2}, {xx: 3}]} ], as: "names" } }, {$match: {"names": {"$ne": []}}}, {$project: {_id: 0}} ]) .toArray(); assert(resultsEq( [ {id_name: 1, name: "name_1", names: [{"xx": 1}]}, {id_name: 2, name: "name_2", names: [{"xx": 2}]}, {id_name: 3, name: "name_3", names: [{"xx": 3}]} ], res)); } // Must fail when $document appears in the top level collection pipeline. assert.throwsWithCode(() => { coll.aggregate([{$documents: {$map: {input: {$range: [0, 100]}, in : {x: "$$this"}}}}]); }, ErrorCodes.InvalidNamespace); // Must fail due to misplaced $document. assert.throwsWithCode(() => { coll.aggregate([{$project: {x: [{xx: 1}, {xx: 2}]}}, {$documents: [{x: 1}]}]); }, 40602); // Test that $documents fails due to producing array of non-objects. assert.throwsWithCode(() => { db.aggregate([{$documents: [1, 2, 3]}]); }, 40228); // Now with one object and one scalar. assert.throwsWithCode(() => { db.aggregate([{$documents: [{x: 1}, 2]}]); }, 40228); // Test that $documents fails due when provided a non-array. assert.throwsWithCode(() => { db.aggregate([{$documents: "string"}]); }, 5858203); // Test that $documents succeeds when given a singleton object. assert.eq(db.aggregate([{$documents: [{x: [1, 2, 3]}]}]).toArray(), [{x: [1, 2, 3]}]); // Must fail when $document appears in the top level collection pipeline. assert.throwsWithCode(() => { coll.aggregate([{$documents: {$map: {input: {$range: [0, 100]}, in : {x: "$$this"}}}}]); }, ErrorCodes.InvalidNamespace); st.stop(); })();