(function() { // Tests that errors encountered on shards are correctly returned to the client when mongos uses // the legacy DBClientCursor method of executing commands on shards. We use aggregation here // specifically because it is one of the few query paths that still uses the legacy DBClient // classes in mongos. "use strict"; var st = new ShardingTest({mongos: 1, shards: 1, rs: {nodes: 3}}); var db = st.getDB('test'); db.setSecondaryOk(); assert.commandWorked(db.foo.insert({a: 1}, {writeConcern: {w: 3}})); assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand( {aggregate: 'foo', pipeline: [{$project: {total: {'$add': ['$a', 1]}}}], cursor: {}})); assert.commandWorked(db.foo.insert({a: [1, 2]}, {writeConcern: {w: 3}})); var res = db.runCommand( {aggregate: 'foo', pipeline: [{$project: {total: {'$add': ['$a', 1]}}}], cursor: {}}); assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, 16554); st.stop(); }());