/** * Tests read preference for explain command. * * Test is loosely based from read_pref_cmd.js. */ load("jstests/replsets/rslib.js"); var assertCorrectTargeting = function(explain, isMongos, secExpected) { assert.commandWorked(explain); var serverInfo; if (isMongos) { serverInfo = explain.queryPlanner.winningPlan.shards[0].serverInfo; } else { serverInfo = explain.serverInfo; } var explainDestConn = new Mongo(serverInfo.host + ':' + serverInfo.port); var isMaster = explainDestConn.getDB('admin').runCommand({isMaster: 1}); if (secExpected) { assert(isMaster.secondary); } else { assert(isMaster.ismaster); } }; var testAllModes = function(conn, isMongos) { // The primary is tagged with { tag: 'one' } and the secondary with // { tag: 'two' } so we can test the interaction of modes and tags. Test // a bunch of combinations. [ // mode, tagSets, expectedHost ['primary', undefined, false], ['primary', [{}], false], ['primaryPreferred', undefined, false], ['primaryPreferred', [{tag: 'one'}], false], // Correctly uses primary and ignores the tag ['primaryPreferred', [{tag: 'two'}], false], ['secondary', undefined, true], ['secondary', [{tag: 'two'}], true], ['secondary', [{tag: 'doesntexist'}, {}], true], ['secondary', [{tag: 'doesntexist'}, {tag: 'two'}], true], ['secondaryPreferred', undefined, true], ['secondaryPreferred', [{tag: 'one'}], false], ['secondaryPreferred', [{tag: 'two'}], true], // We don't have a way to alter ping times so we can't predict where an // untagged 'nearest' command should go, hence only test with tags. ['nearest', [{tag: 'one'}], false], ['nearest', [{tag: 'two'}], true] ].forEach(function(args) { var mode = args[0], tagSets = args[1], secExpected = args[2]; var testDB = conn.getDB('TestDB'); conn.setSlaveOk(false); // purely rely on readPref jsTest.log('Testing mode: ' + mode + ', tag sets: ' + tojson(tagSets)); // .explain().find() var explainableQuery = testDB.user.explain().find(); explainableQuery.readPref(mode, tagSets); var explain = explainableQuery.finish(); assertCorrectTargeting(explain, isMongos, secExpected); // Set read pref on the connection. var oldReadPrefMode = testDB.getMongo().getReadPrefMode(); var oldReadPrefTagSet = testDB.getMongo().getReadPrefTagSet(); try { testDB.getMongo().setReadPref(mode, tagSets); // .explain().count(); explain = testDB.user.explain().count(); assertCorrectTargeting(explain, isMongos, secExpected); // .explain().distinct() explain = testDB.user.explain().distinct("_id"); assertCorrectTargeting(explain, isMongos, secExpected); } finally { // Restore old read pref. testDB.getMongo().setReadPref(oldReadPrefMode, oldReadPrefTagSet); } }); }; var st = new ShardingTest({shards: {rs0: {nodes: 2}}}); st.stopBalancer(); awaitRSClientHosts(st.s, st.rs0.nodes); // Tag primary with { dc: 'ny', tag: 'one' }, secondary with { dc: 'ny', tag: 'two' } var primary = st.rs0.getPrimary(); var secondary = st.rs0.getSecondary(); var PRIMARY_TAG = {dc: 'ny', tag: 'one'}; var SECONDARY_TAG = {dc: 'ny', tag: 'two'}; var rsConfig = primary.getDB("local").system.replset.findOne(); jsTest.log('got rsconf ' + tojson(rsConfig)); rsConfig.members.forEach(function(member) { if (member.host == primary.host) { member.tags = PRIMARY_TAG; } else { member.tags = SECONDARY_TAG; } }); rsConfig.version++; jsTest.log('new rsconf ' + tojson(rsConfig)); try { primary.adminCommand({replSetReconfig: rsConfig}); } catch (e) { jsTest.log('replSetReconfig error: ' + e); } st.rs0.awaitSecondaryNodes(); // Force mongos to reconnect after our reconfig and also create the test database assert.soon(function() { try { st.s.getDB('TestDB').runCommand({create: 'TestColl'}); return true; } catch (x) { // Intentionally caused an error that forces mongos's monitor to refresh. jsTest.log('Caught exception while doing dummy command: ' + tojson(x)); return false; } }); reconnect(primary); reconnect(secondary); rsConfig = primary.getDB("local").system.replset.findOne(); jsTest.log('got rsconf ' + tojson(rsConfig)); var replConn = new Mongo(st.rs0.getURL()); // Make sure replica set connection is ready _awaitRSHostViaRSMonitor(primary.name, {ok: true, tags: PRIMARY_TAG}, st.rs0.name); _awaitRSHostViaRSMonitor(secondary.name, {ok: true, tags: SECONDARY_TAG}, st.rs0.name); testAllModes(replConn, false); jsTest.log('Starting test for mongos connection'); testAllModes(st.s, true); st.stop();