// features1.js s = new ShardingTest( "features1" , 2 , 1 , 1 ); s.stopBalancer(); s.adminCommand( { enablesharding : "test" } ); // ---- can't shard system namespaces ---- assert( ! s.admin.runCommand( { shardcollection : "test.system.blah" , key : { num : 1 } } ).ok , "shard system namespace" ); // ---- setup test.foo ----- s.adminCommand( { shardcollection : "test.foo" , key : { num : 1 } } ); db = s.getDB( "test" ); a = s._connections[0].getDB( "test" ); b = s._connections[1].getDB( "test" ); db.foo.ensureIndex( { y : 1 } ); s.adminCommand( { split : "test.foo" , middle : { num : 10 } } ); s.adminCommand( { movechunk : "test.foo" , find : { num : 20 } , to : s.getOther( s.getServer( "test" ) ).name } ); db.foo.save( { num : 5 } ); db.foo.save( { num : 15 } ); s.sync(); // ---- make sure shard key index is everywhere ---- assert.eq( 3 , a.foo.getIndexKeys().length , "a index 1" ); assert.eq( 3 , b.foo.getIndexKeys().length , "b index 1" ); // ---- make sure if you add an index it goes everywhere ------ db.foo.ensureIndex( { x : 1 } ); s.sync(); assert.eq( 4 , a.foo.getIndexKeys().length , "a index 2" ); assert.eq( 4 , b.foo.getIndexKeys().length , "b index 2" ); // ---- no unique indexes ------ db.foo.ensureIndex( { z : 1 } , true ); s.sync(); assert.eq( 4 , a.foo.getIndexKeys().length , "a index 3" ); assert.eq( 4 , b.foo.getIndexKeys().length , "b index 3" ); db.foo.ensureIndex( { num : 1 , bar : 1 } , true ); s.sync(); assert.eq( 5 , b.foo.getIndexKeys().length , "c index 3" ); // ---- can't shard thing with unique indexes db.foo2.ensureIndex( { a : 1 } ); s.sync(); printjson( db.system.indexes.find( { ns : "test.foo2" } ).toArray() ); assert( s.admin.runCommand( { shardcollection : "test.foo2" , key : { num : 1 } } ).ok , "shard with index" ); db.foo3.ensureIndex( { a : 1 } , true ); s.sync(); printjson( db.system.indexes.find( { ns : "test.foo3" } ).toArray() ); assert( ! s.admin.runCommand( { shardcollection : "test.foo3" , key : { num : 1 } } ).ok , "shard with unique index" ); db.foo7.ensureIndex( { num : 1 , a : 1 } , true ); s.sync(); printjson( db.system.indexes.find( { ns : "test.foo7" } ).toArray() ); assert( s.admin.runCommand( { shardcollection : "test.foo7" , key : { num : 1 } } ).ok , "shard with ok unique index" ); // ----- eval ----- db.foo2.save( { num : 5 , a : 7 } ); db.foo3.save( { num : 5 , a : 8 } ); assert.eq( 1 , db.foo3.count() , "eval pre1" ); assert.eq( 1 , db.foo2.count() , "eval pre2" ); assert.eq( 8 , db.eval( function(){ return db.foo3.findOne().a; } ), "eval 1 " ); assert.throws( function(){ db.eval( function(){ return db.foo2.findOne().a; } ) } , null , "eval 2" ) assert.eq( 1 , db.eval( function(){ return db.foo3.count(); } ), "eval 3 " ); assert.throws( function(){ db.eval( function(){ return db.foo2.count(); } ) } , null , "eval 4" ) // ----- "eval" new command name SERVER-5588 ----- var result; result = db.runCommand({eval: function () { return db.foo3.count(); } }); // non-sharded collection assert.eq(1, result.ok, "eval should work for non-sharded collection in cluster"); result = db.runCommand({eval: function () { return db.foo2.count(); } }); // sharded collection assert.eq(0, result.ok, "eval should not work for sharded collection in cluster"); // ---- unique shard key ---- assert( s.admin.runCommand( { shardcollection : "test.foo4" , key : { num : 1 } , unique : true } ).ok , "shard with index and unique" ); s.adminCommand( { split : "test.foo4" , middle : { num : 10 } } ); s.admin.runCommand({ movechunk: "test.foo4", find: { num: 20 }, to: s.getOther( s.getServer( "test" ) ).name }); db.foo4.save( { num : 5 } ); db.foo4.save( { num : 15 } ); db.getLastError(); s.sync(); assert.eq( 1 , a.foo4.count() , "ua1" ); assert.eq( 1 , b.foo4.count() , "ub1" ); assert.eq( 2 , a.foo4.getIndexes().length , "ua2" ); assert.eq( 2 , b.foo4.getIndexes().length , "ub2" ); assert( a.foo4.getIndexes()[1].unique , "ua3" ); assert( b.foo4.getIndexes()[1].unique , "ub3" ); assert.eq( 2 , db.foo4.count() , "uc1" ) db.foo4.save( { num : 7 } ) assert.eq( 3 , db.foo4.count() , "uc2" ) db.foo4.save( { num : 7 } ) gle = db.getLastErrorObj(); assert( gle.err , "uc3" ) assert.eq( 3 , db.foo4.count() , "uc4" ) // --- don't let you convertToCapped ---- assert( ! db.foo4.isCapped() , "ca1" ); assert( ! a.foo4.isCapped() , "ca2" ); assert( ! b.foo4.isCapped() , "ca3" ); assert( ! db.foo4.convertToCapped( 30000 ).ok , "ca30" ); assert( ! db.foo4.isCapped() , "ca4" ); assert( ! a.foo4.isCapped() , "ca5" ); assert( ! b.foo4.isCapped() , "ca6" ); // make sure i didn't break anything db.foo4a.save( { a : 1 } ); assert( ! db.foo4a.isCapped() , "ca7" ); db.foo4a.convertToCapped( 30000 ); assert( db.foo4a.isCapped() , "ca8" ); // --- don't let you shard a capped collection db.createCollection("foo5", {capped:true, size:30000}); assert( db.foo5.isCapped() , "cb1" ); assert( ! s.admin.runCommand( { shardcollection : "test.foo5" , key : { num : 1 } } ).ok , "shard capped" ); // ----- group ---- db.foo6.save( { a : 1 } ); db.foo6.save( { a : 3 } ); db.foo6.save( { a : 3 } ); db.foo6.ensureIndex( { a : 1 } ); s.sync(); printjson( db.system.indexes.find( { ns : "test.foo6" } ).toArray() ); assert.eq( 2 , db.foo6.group( { key : { a : 1 } , initial : { count : 0 } , reduce : function(z,prev){ prev.count++; } } ).length ); assert.eq( 3 , db.foo6.find().count() ); assert( s.admin.runCommand( { shardcollection : "test.foo6" , key : { a : 1 } } ).ok ); assert.eq( 3 , db.foo6.find().count() ); s.adminCommand( { split : "test.foo6" , middle : { a : 2 } } ); //movechunk commands are wrapped in assert.soon //Sometimes the TO-side shard isn't immediately ready, this //causes problems on slow hosts. //Remove when SERVER-10232 is fixed assert.soon( function() { var cmdRes = s.admin.runCommand( { movechunk : "test.foo6" , find : { a : 3 } , to : s.getOther( s.getServer( "test" ) ).name } ); return cmdRes.ok; }, 'move chunk test.foo6', 60000, 1000 ); assert.throws( function(){ db.foo6.group( { key : { a : 1 } , initial : { count : 0 } , reduce : function(z,prev){ prev.count++; } } ); } );; // ---- can't shard non-empty collection without index ----- db.foo8.save( { a : 1 } ); db.getLastError(); assert( ! s.admin.runCommand( { shardcollection : "test.foo8" , key : { a : 1 } } ).ok , "non-empty collection" ); // ---- can't shard non-empty collection with null values in shard key ---- db.foo9.save( { b : 1 } ); db.getLastError(); db.foo9.ensureIndex( { a : 1 } ); assert( ! s.admin.runCommand( { shardcollection : "test.foo9" , key : { a : 1 } } ).ok , "entry with null value" ); // --- listDatabases --- r = db.getMongo().getDBs() assert.eq( 3 , r.databases.length , "listDatabases 1 : " + tojson( r ) ) assert.lt( 10000 , r.totalSize , "listDatabases 2 : " + tojson( r ) ); s.stop()