(function() { var s = new ShardingTest({name: "features2", shards: 2, mongos: 1}); s.adminCommand({enablesharding: "test"}); s.ensurePrimaryShard('test', 'shard0001'); a = s._connections[0].getDB("test"); b = s._connections[1].getDB("test"); db = s.getDB("test"); // ---- distinct ---- db.foo.save({x: 1}); db.foo.save({x: 2}); db.foo.save({x: 3}); db.foo.ensureIndex({x: 1}); assert.eq("1,2,3", db.foo.distinct("x"), "distinct 1"); assert(a.foo.distinct("x").length == 3 || b.foo.distinct("x").length == 3, "distinct 2"); assert(a.foo.distinct("x").length == 0 || b.foo.distinct("x").length == 0, "distinct 3"); assert.eq(1, s.onNumShards("foo"), "A1"); s.shardColl("foo", {x: 1}, {x: 2}, {x: 3}, null, true /* waitForDelete */); assert.eq(2, s.onNumShards("foo"), "A2"); assert.eq("1,2,3", db.foo.distinct("x"), "distinct 4"); // ----- delete --- assert.eq(3, db.foo.count(), "D1"); db.foo.remove({x: 3}); assert.eq(2, db.foo.count(), "D2"); db.foo.save({x: 3}); assert.eq(3, db.foo.count(), "D3"); db.foo.remove({x: {$gt: 2}}); assert.eq(2, db.foo.count(), "D4"); db.foo.remove({x: {$gt: -1}}); assert.eq(0, db.foo.count(), "D5"); db.foo.save({x: 1}); db.foo.save({x: 2}); db.foo.save({x: 3}); assert.eq(3, db.foo.count(), "D6"); db.foo.remove({}); assert.eq(0, db.foo.count(), "D7"); // --- _id key --- db.foo2.save({_id: new ObjectId()}); db.foo2.save({_id: new ObjectId()}); db.foo2.save({_id: new ObjectId()}); assert.eq(1, s.onNumShards("foo2"), "F1"); printjson(db.foo2.getIndexes()); s.adminCommand({shardcollection: "test.foo2", key: {_id: 1}}); assert.eq(3, db.foo2.count(), "F2"); db.foo2.insert({}); assert.eq(4, db.foo2.count(), "F3"); // --- map/reduce db.mr.save({x: 1, tags: ["a", "b"]}); db.mr.save({x: 2, tags: ["b", "c"]}); db.mr.save({x: 3, tags: ["c", "a"]}); db.mr.save({x: 4, tags: ["b", "c"]}); db.mr.ensureIndex({x: 1}); m = function() { this.tags.forEach(function(z) { emit(z, {count: 1}); }); }; r = function(key, values) { var total = 0; for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { total += values[i].count; } return {count: total}; }; doMR = function(n) { print(n); // on-disk var res = db.mr.mapReduce(m, r, "smr1_out"); printjson(res); assert.eq(4, res.counts.input, "MR T0 " + n); var x = db[res.result]; assert.eq(3, x.find().count(), "MR T1 " + n); var z = {}; x.find().forEach(function(a) { z[a._id] = a.value.count; }); assert.eq(3, Object.keySet(z).length, "MR T2 " + n); assert.eq(2, z.a, "MR T3 " + n); assert.eq(3, z.b, "MR T4 " + n); assert.eq(3, z.c, "MR T5 " + n); x.drop(); // inline var res = db.mr.mapReduce(m, r, {out: {inline: 1}}); printjson(res); assert.eq(4, res.counts.input, "MR T6 " + n); var z = {}; res.find().forEach(function(a) { z[a._id] = a.value.count; }); printjson(z); assert.eq(3, Object.keySet(z).length, "MR T7 " + n); assert.eq(2, z.a, "MR T8 " + n); assert.eq(3, z.b, "MR T9 " + n); assert.eq(3, z.c, "MR TA " + n); }; doMR("before"); assert.eq(1, s.onNumShards("mr"), "E1"); s.shardColl("mr", {x: 1}, {x: 2}, {x: 3}, null, true /* waitForDelete */); assert.eq(2, s.onNumShards("mr"), "E1"); doMR("after"); s.adminCommand({split: 'test.mr', middle: {x: 3}}); s.adminCommand({split: 'test.mr', middle: {x: 4}}); s.adminCommand({movechunk: 'test.mr', find: {x: 3}, to: s.getPrimaryShard('test').name}); doMR("after extra split"); cmd = {mapreduce: "mr", map: "emit( ", reduce: "fooz + ", out: "broken1"}; x = db.runCommand(cmd); y = s._connections[0].getDB("test").runCommand(cmd); printjson(x); printjson(y); // count db.countaa.save({"regex": /foo/i}); db.countaa.save({"regex": /foo/i}); db.countaa.save({"regex": /foo/i}); assert.eq(3, db.countaa.count(), "counta1"); assert.eq(3, db.countaa.find().itcount(), "counta1"); x = null; y = null; try { x = db.runCommand("forceerror"); } catch (e) { x = e; } try { y = s._connections[0].getDB("test").runCommand("forceerror"); } catch (e) { y = e; } // As the forceerror command is written, it doesnt set a code in the reply. // OP_COMMAND changes will add a code of 121 (CommandFailed) if a failing command // does not set one, so this comparison fails as "undefined" != 121. // // TODO: Uncomment this line when OP_COMMAND is implemented in mongos (SERVER-18292) // as then MongoS should set code 121 as well. // // assert.eq( x.code , y.code , "assert format" ) assert.eq(x.errmsg, y.errmsg, "assert format"); assert.eq(x.ok, y.ok, "assert format"); // isMaster and query-wrapped-command isMaster = db.runCommand({isMaster: 1}); assert(isMaster.ismaster); assert.eq('isdbgrid', isMaster.msg); delete isMaster.localTime; im2 = db.runCommand({query: {isMaster: 1}}); delete im2.localTime; assert.eq(isMaster, im2); im2 = db.runCommand({$query: {isMaster: 1}}); delete im2.localTime; assert.eq(isMaster, im2); s.stop(); })();