(function() { var s = new ShardingTest({ name: "find_and_modify_sharded", shards: 2 }); s.adminCommand( { enablesharding : "test" } ); db = s.getDB( "test" ); s.ensurePrimaryShard('test', 'shard0001'); primary = s.getServer( "test" ).getDB( "test" ); secondary = s.getOther( primary ).getDB( "test" ); numObjs = 20; // Turn balancer off - with small numbers of chunks the balancer tries to correct all imbalances, not just < 8 s.s.getDB( "config" ).settings.update({ _id : "balancer" }, { $set : { stopped : true } }, true ) s.adminCommand( { shardcollection : "test.stuff" , key : {_id:1} } ); // pre-split the collection so to avoid interference from balancer s.adminCommand( { split: "test.stuff" , middle : { _id : numObjs/2 } } ); s.adminCommand( { movechunk : "test.stuff" , find : { _id : numObjs/2 } , to : secondary.getMongo().name } ) ; var bulk = db.stuff.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); for (var i=0; i < numObjs; i++){ bulk.insert({_id: i}); } assert.writeOK(bulk.execute()); // put two docs in each chunk (avoid the split in 0, since there are no docs less than 0) for (var i=2; i < numObjs; i+=2){ if (i == numObjs/2) continue; s.adminCommand( { split: "test.stuff" , middle : {_id: i} } ); } s.printChunks(); assert.eq( numObjs/2, s.config.chunks.count(), "split failed" ); assert.eq( numObjs/4, s.config.chunks.count({ shard: "shard0000" }) ); assert.eq( numObjs/4, s.config.chunks.count({ shard: "shard0001" }) ); // update for (var i=0; i < numObjs; i++){ assert.eq(db.stuff.count({b:1}), i, "2 A"); var out = db.stuff.findAndModify({query: {_id:i, b:null}, update: {$set: {b:1}}}); assert.eq(out._id, i, "2 E"); assert.eq(db.stuff.count({b:1}), i+1, "2 B"); } // remove for (var i=0; i < numObjs; i++){ assert.eq(db.stuff.count(), numObjs - i, "3 A"); assert.eq(db.stuff.count({_id: i}), 1, "3 B"); var out = db.stuff.findAndModify({remove: true, query: {_id:i}}); assert.eq(db.stuff.count(), numObjs - i - 1, "3 C"); assert.eq(db.stuff.count({_id: i}), 0, "3 D"); assert.eq(out._id, i, "3 E"); } s.stop(); })();