var st = new ShardingTest({ shards: 2, chunkSize: 1, other: { shardOptions: { verbose: 1 }} }); st.stopBalancer(); var testDB = st.s.getDB('test'); testDB.adminCommand({ enableSharding: 'test' }); testDB.adminCommand({ shardCollection: 'test.user', key: { x: 'hashed' }}); var configDB = st.s.getDB('config'); var chunkCountBefore = configDB.chunks.count();, 1); for (var x = 0; x < 1000; x++) { testDB.user.insert({ x: x }); } // For debugging (function() { var chunkList = configDB.chunks.find().sort({ min: -1 }).toArray(); chunkList.forEach(function(chunk) { chunk.count = 0; }); for (var x = 0; x < 1000; x++) { var hashVal = testDB.adminCommand({ _hashBSONElement: x }).out; var countSet = false; for (var y = 0; y < chunkList.length - 2; y++) { var chunkDoc = chunkList[y]; if (chunkDoc.min.x <= hashVal) { countSet = true; chunkDoc.count++; print('doc in chunk: x [' + x + '], h[' + hashVal + '], min[' + chunkDoc.min.x + '], max[' + chunkDoc.max.x + ']'); break; } } if (!countSet) { chunkDoc = chunkList[chunkList.length - 1]; print('doc in chunk: x [' + x + '], h[' + hashVal + '], min[' + chunkDoc.min.x + '], max[' + chunkDoc.max.x + ']'); chunkDoc.count++; } } chunkList.forEach(function(chunkDoc) { print('chunk details: ' + tojson(chunkDoc)); }); }); var chunkDoc = configDB.chunks.find().sort({ min: 1 }).next(); var min = chunkDoc.min; var max = chunkDoc.max; // Assumption: There are documents in the MinKey chunk, otherwise, splitVector will // fail. Note: This chunk will have 267 documents if collection was presplit to 4. var cmdRes = testDB.adminCommand({ split: 'test.user', bounds: [ min, max ]}); assert(cmdRes.ok, 'split on bounds failed on chunk[' + tojson(chunkDoc) + ']: ' + tojson(cmdRes)); chunkDoc = configDB.chunks.find().sort({ min: 1 }).skip(1).next(); var middle = chunkDoc.min + 1000000; cmdRes = testDB.adminCommand({ split: 'test.user', middle: { x: middle }}); assert(cmdRes.ok, 'split failed with middle [' + middle + ']: ' + tojson(cmdRes)); cmdRes = testDB.adminCommand({ split: 'test.user', find: { x: 7 }}); assert(cmdRes.ok, 'split failed with find: ' + tojson(cmdRes)); var chunkList = configDB.chunks.find().sort({ min: 1 }).toArray(); assert.eq(chunkCountBefore + 3, chunkList.length); chunkList.forEach(function(chunkToMove) { var toShard = configDB.shards.findOne({ _id: { $ne: chunkToMove.shard }})._id; print(jsTestName() + " - moving chunk " + chunkToMove._id + " from shard " + chunkToMove.shard + " to " + toShard + "..."); var cmdRes = testDB.adminCommand({ moveChunk: 'test.user', bounds: [ chunkToMove.min, chunkToMove.max ], to: toShard, _waitForDelete: true }); print(jsTestName() + " - result from moving chunk " + chunkToMove._id + ": " + tojson(cmdRes)); }); st.stop();