/* * Test that _getNextSessionMods filters out unrelated oplog entries. * @tags: [uses_transactions, uses_prepare_transaction] */ (function() { 'use strict'; load('jstests/libs/chunk_manipulation_util.js'); load("jstests/sharding/libs/chunk_bounds_util.js"); /* * Returns the oplog entry on the shard that matches the query. Asserts * that there is only one such oplog entry. */ function findOplogEntry(shard, query) { let oplogDocs = shard.getDB('local').oplog.rs.find(query).toArray(); assert.eq(1, oplogDocs.length); return oplogDocs[0]; } let st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2}); let dbName = "test"; let collName = "user"; let ns = dbName + "." + collName; let configDB = st.s.getDB('config'); let testDB = st.s.getDB(dbName); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({enableSharding: dbName})); st.ensurePrimaryShard(dbName, st.shard1.shardName); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({shardCollection: ns, key: {x: 'hashed'}})); let chunkDocs = configDB.chunks.find({ns: ns}).toArray(); let shardChunkBounds = chunkBoundsUtil.findShardChunkBounds(chunkDocs); // Use docs that are expected to go to the same shards but different chunks. let docs = [{x: -1000}, {x: 10}]; let shards = []; let docChunkBounds = []; docs.forEach(function(doc) { let hashDoc = {x: convertShardKeyToHashed(doc.x)}; // Check that chunks for the doc and its hash are different. let originalShardBoundsPair = chunkBoundsUtil.findShardAndChunkBoundsForShardKey(st, shardChunkBounds, doc); let hashShardBoundsPair = chunkBoundsUtil.findShardAndChunkBoundsForShardKey(st, shardChunkBounds, hashDoc); assert.neq(originalShardBoundsPair.bounds, hashShardBoundsPair.bounds); shards.push(hashShardBoundsPair.shard); docChunkBounds.push(hashShardBoundsPair.bounds); }); assert.eq(shards[0], shards[1]); assert.neq(docChunkBounds[0], docChunkBounds[1]); // Insert the docs. let cmd = { insert: collName, documents: docs, ordered: false, lsid: {id: UUID()}, txnNumber: NumberLong(35) }; assert.commandWorked(testDB.runCommand(cmd)); assert.eq(2, testDB.user.find({}).count()); assert.eq(2, shards[0].getCollection(ns).find({}).count()); // Move the chunk for docs[0]. let fromShard = shards[0]; let toShard = st.getOther(fromShard); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand( {moveChunk: ns, bounds: docChunkBounds[0], to: toShard.shardName, _waitForDelete: true})); // Check that only the oplog entries for docs[0] are copied onto the recipient shard. let oplogQuery = {"op": "i", "o.x": docs[0].x}; let txnQuery = {ns: ns, txnNumber: cmd.txnNumber}; let donorOplogEntry = findOplogEntry(fromShard, Object.assign({}, txnQuery, oplogQuery)); let recipientOplogEntry = findOplogEntry(toShard, txnQuery); assert.eq(recipientOplogEntry.op, "n"); assert.eq(0, bsonWoCompare(recipientOplogEntry.o2.o, donorOplogEntry.o)); // Check that docs are on the right shards. assert.eq(1, fromShard.getCollection(ns).find(docs[1]).count()); assert.eq(1, toShard.getCollection(ns).find(docs[0]).count()); st.stop(); })();