// Basic test of sharding with a hashed shard key // - Test basic migrations with moveChunk, using different chunk specification methods var s = new ShardingTest({name: jsTestName(), shards: 3, mongos: 1, verbose: 1}); var dbname = "test"; var coll = "foo"; var ns = dbname + "." + coll; var db = s.getDB(dbname); var t = db.getCollection(coll); db.adminCommand({enablesharding: dbname}); s.ensurePrimaryShard(dbname, 'shard0001'); // for simplicity start by turning off balancer s.stopBalancer(); // shard a fresh collection using a hashed shard key t.drop(); var res = db.adminCommand({shardcollection: ns, key: {a: "hashed"}}); assert.gt(s.config.chunks.count({ns: ns}), 3); assert.eq(res.ok, 1, "shardcollection didn't work"); s.printShardingStatus(); // insert stuff var numitems = 1000; for (i = 0; i < numitems; i++) { t.insert({a: i}); } // check they all got inserted assert.eq(t.find().count(), numitems, "count off after inserts"); printjson(t.find().explain()); // find a chunk that's not on shard0000 var chunk = s.config.chunks.findOne({shard: {$ne: "shard0000"}}); assert.neq(chunk, null, "all chunks on shard0000!"); printjson(chunk); // try to move the chunk using an invalid specification method. should fail. var res = db.adminCommand( {movechunk: ns, find: {a: 0}, bounds: [chunk.min, chunk.max], to: "shard0000"}); assert.eq(res.ok, 0, "moveChunk shouldn't work with invalid specification method"); // now move a chunk using the lower/upper bound method. should work. var res = db.adminCommand({movechunk: ns, bounds: [chunk.min, chunk.max], to: "shard0000"}); printjson(res); assert.eq(res.ok, 1, "movechunk using lower/upper bound method didn't work "); // check count still correct. assert.eq(t.find().itcount(), numitems, "count off after migrate"); printjson(t.find().explain()); // move a chunk using the find method var res = db.adminCommand({movechunk: ns, find: {a: 2}, to: "shard0002"}); printjson(res); assert.eq(res.ok, 1, "movechunk using find query didn't work"); // check counts still correct assert.eq(t.find().itcount(), numitems, "count off after migrate"); printjson(t.find().explain()); s.stop();