/** * Tests hedging metrics in the serverStatus output. */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/fail_point_util.js"); /* * Verifies that the server status response has the hegingMetrics fields that we expect. */ function verifyServerStatusFields(serverStatusResponse) { assert(serverStatusResponse.hasOwnProperty("hedgingMetrics"), "Expected the serverStatus response to have a 'hedgingMetrics' field\n" + tojson(serverStatusResponse)); assert( serverStatusResponse.hedgingMetrics.hasOwnProperty("numTotalOperations"), "The 'hedgingMetrics' field in serverStatus did not have the 'numTotalOperations' field\n" + tojson(serverStatusResponse.hedgingMetrics)); assert( serverStatusResponse.hedgingMetrics.hasOwnProperty("numTotalHedgedOperations"), "The 'hedgingMetrics' field in serverStatus did not have the 'numTotalHedgedOperations' field\n" + tojson(serverStatusResponse.hedgingMetrics)); assert( serverStatusResponse.hedgingMetrics.hasOwnProperty("numAdvantageouslyHedgedOperations"), "The 'hedgingMetrics' field in serverStatus did not have the 'numAdvantageouslyHedgedOperations' field\n" + tojson(serverStatusResponse.hedgingMetrics)); } /* * Verifies that eventually the hedgingMetrics in the server status response is equal to * the expected hedgingMetrics. */ function checkServerStatusHedgingMetrics(mongosConn, expectedHedgingMetrics) { assert.soon( () => { const serverStatus = assert.commandWorked(mongosConn.adminCommand({serverStatus: 1})); verifyServerStatusFields(serverStatus); return bsonWoCompare(serverStatus.hedgingMetrics, expectedHedgingMetrics) === 0; }, `expect the hedgingMetrics to eventually be equal to ${tojson(expectedHedgingMetrics)}`, serverStatusCheckTimeoutMS); } function setCommandDelay(nodeConn, command, delay, ns) { assert.commandWorked(nodeConn.adminCommand({ configureFailPoint: "failCommand", mode: {times: 1}, data: { failInternalCommands: true, blockConnection: true, blockTimeMS: delay, failCommands: [command], namespace: ns, } })); } function clearCommandDelay(nodeConn) { assert.commandWorked(nodeConn.adminCommand({ configureFailPoint: "failCommand", mode: "off", })); } const st = new ShardingTest({ mongos: [{ setParameter: { logComponentVerbosity: tojson({network: {verbosity: 2}}), // Force the mongos's replica set monitors to always include all the eligible nodes. "failpoint.scanningServerSelectorIgnoreLatencyWindow": tojson({mode: "alwaysOn"}), "failpoint.sdamServerSelectorIgnoreLatencyWindow": tojson({mode: "alwaysOn"}), // Force the mongos to send requests to hosts in alphabetical order of host names. "failpoint.networkInterfaceSendRequestsToTargetHostsInAlphabeticalOrder": tojson({mode: "alwaysOn"}), maxTimeMSForHedgedReads: 500 } }], shards: 1, rs: {nodes: 2, setParameter: {logComponentVerbosity: tojson({command: {verbosity: 1}})}} }); const dbName = "foo"; const collName = "bar"; const ns = dbName + "." + collName; const testDB = st.s.getDB(dbName); const serverStatusCheckTimeoutMS = 5000; assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({enableSharding: dbName})); st.ensurePrimaryShard(dbName, st.shard0.shardName); // Force the mongos's replica set monitors to always include all the eligible nodes. const replicaSetMonitorProtocol = assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({getParameter: 1, replicaSetMonitorProtocol: 1})) .replicaSetMonitorProtocol; assert(replicaSetMonitorProtocol === "streamable" || replicaSetMonitorProtocol === "sdam"); let serverSelectorFailPoint = configureFailPoint(st.s, "sdamServerSelectorIgnoreLatencyWindow"); // Force the mongos to send requests to hosts in alphabetical order of host names. let sendRequestsFailPoint = configureFailPoint(st.s, "networkInterfaceSendRequestsToTargetHostsInAlphabeticalOrder"); let sortedNodes = [...st.rs0.nodes].sort((node1, node2) => node1.host.localeCompare(node2.host)); let expectedHedgingMetrics = { numTotalOperations: 0, numTotalHedgedOperations: 0, numAdvantageouslyHedgedOperations: 0 }; jsTestLog("Run a command with hedging disabled, and verify the metrics does not change"); assert.commandWorked(testDB.runCommand( {count: collName, query: {x: {$gte: 0}}, $readPreference: {mode: "primaryPreferred"}})); checkServerStatusHedgingMetrics(testDB, expectedHedgingMetrics); jsTestLog("Run a command on the secondary with read concern local so it refreshes metadata"); assert.commandWorked(testDB.runCommand({find: collName, $readPreference: {mode: "secondary"}})); jsTestLog("Run commands with hedging enabled, and verify the metrics are as expected"); // Make the command slower on the first target host, and verify there is an advantageous // hedged read. try { setCommandDelay(sortedNodes[0], "count", 5000, ns); assert.commandWorked(testDB.runCommand( {count: collName, query: {x: {$gte: 0}}, $readPreference: {mode: "nearest"}})); } finally { clearCommandDelay(sortedNodes[0]); } expectedHedgingMetrics.numTotalOperations += 1; expectedHedgingMetrics.numTotalHedgedOperations += 1; expectedHedgingMetrics.numAdvantageouslyHedgedOperations += 1; checkServerStatusHedgingMetrics(testDB, expectedHedgingMetrics); // Make the command slower on the second target host, and verify there is no advantageous // hedged read. Block the command on the first target host for some time to allow the hedged // request to get sent to the second target host. try { setCommandDelay(sortedNodes[0], "count", 100, ns); setCommandDelay(sortedNodes[1], "count", 1000, ns); assert.commandWorked(testDB.runCommand( {count: collName, query: {x: {$gte: 0}}, $readPreference: {mode: "nearest"}})); } finally { clearCommandDelay(sortedNodes[0]); clearCommandDelay(sortedNodes[1]); } expectedHedgingMetrics.numTotalOperations += 1; expectedHedgingMetrics.numTotalHedgedOperations += 1; checkServerStatusHedgingMetrics(testDB, expectedHedgingMetrics); st.stop(); }());