/** * Tests adding shard to sharded cluster will fail if the implicitDefaultWriteConcern is * w:1 and CWWC is not set. */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/replsets/rslib.js"); // For reconfig and isConfigCommitted. function addNonArbiterNode(nodeId, rst) { const config = rst.getReplSetConfigFromNode(); config.members.push({_id: nodeId, host: rst.add().host}); reconfig(rst, config); assert.soon(() => isConfigCommitted(rst.getPrimary())); rst.waitForConfigReplication(rst.getPrimary()); rst.awaitReplication(); // When we add a new node to a replica set, we temporarily add the "newlyAdded" field so that it // is non-voting until it completes initial sync. // This waits for the primary to see that the node has transitioned to a secondary, recovering, // or rollback state to ensure that we can do the automatic reconfig to remove the "newlyAdded" // field so that the node can actually vote so replication coordinator can update implicit // default write-concern depending on the newly added voting member. rst.waitForAllNewlyAddedRemovals(); } function testAddShard(CWWCSet, isPSASet, fixAddShard) { jsTestLog("Running sharding test with CWWCSet: " + tojson(CWWCSet) + ", isPSASet: " + tojson(isPSASet)); let replSetNodes = [{}, {}]; if (isPSASet) { replSetNodes = [{}, {}, {arbiter: true}]; } let shardServer = new ReplSetTest( {name: "shardServer", nodes: replSetNodes, nodeOptions: {shardsvr: ""}, useHostName: true}); const conns = shardServer.startSet(); shardServer.initiate(); const st = new ShardingTest({ shards: 0, mongos: 1, }); var admin = st.getDB('admin'); if (CWWCSet) { jsTestLog("Setting the CWWC before adding shard."); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand( {setDefaultRWConcern: 1, defaultWriteConcern: {w: "majority", wtimeout: 0}})); } jsTestLog("Attempting to add shard to the cluster"); if (!CWWCSet && isPSASet) { jsTestLog("Adding shard to the cluster should fail."); assert.commandFailed(admin.runCommand({addshard: shardServer.getURL()})); if (fixAddShard == "setCWWC") { jsTestLog("Setting the CWWC to fix addShard."); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand( {setDefaultRWConcern: 1, defaultWriteConcern: {w: "majority", wtimeout: 0}})); } else { jsTestLog("Reconfig shardServer to fix addShard."); addNonArbiterNode(3, shardServer); addNonArbiterNode(4, shardServer); } } jsTestLog("Adding shard to the cluster should succeed."); assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({addshard: shardServer.getURL()})); st.stop(); shardServer.stopSet(); } for (const CWWCSet of [true, false]) { for (const isPSASet of [false, true]) { if (!CWWCSet && isPSASet) { for (const fixAddShard of ["setCWWC", "reconfig"]) { testAddShard(CWWCSet, isPSASet, fixAddShard); } } else { testAddShard(CWWCSet, isPSASet); } } } })();