// Test SERVER-14306. Do a query directly against a mongod with an in-memory sort and a limit that // doesn't cause the in-memory sort limit to be reached, then make sure the same limit also doesn't // cause the in-memory sort limit to be reached when running through a mongos. (function() { 'use strict'; var st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2}); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({enableSharding: 'test'})); st.ensurePrimaryShard('test', 'shard0000'); // Make sure that at least 1 chunk is on another shard so that mongos doesn't treat this as a // single-shard query (which doesn't exercise the bug) assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand( {shardCollection: 'test.skip', key: {_id: 'hashed'}, numInitialChunks: 64})); var mongosCol = st.s.getDB('test').getCollection('skip'); var shardCol = st.shard0.getDB('test').getCollection('skip'); // Create enough data to exceed the 32MB in-memory sort limit (per shard) var filler = new Array(10240).toString(); var bulkOp = mongosCol.initializeOrderedBulkOp(); for (var i = 0; i < 12800; i++) { bulkOp.insert({x: i, str: filler}); } assert.writeOK(bulkOp.execute()); var passLimit = 2000; var failLimit = 4000; // Test on MongoD jsTestLog("Test no error with limit of " + passLimit + " on mongod"); assert.eq(passLimit, shardCol.find().sort({x: 1}).limit(passLimit).itcount()); jsTestLog("Test error with limit of " + failLimit + " on mongod"); assert.throws(function() { shardCol.find().sort({x: 1}).limit(failLimit).itcount(); }); // Test on MongoS jsTestLog("Test no error with limit of " + passLimit + " on mongos"); assert.eq(passLimit, mongosCol.find().sort({x: 1}).limit(passLimit).itcount()); jsTestLog("Test error with limit of " + failLimit + " on mongos"); assert.throws(function() { mongosCol.find().sort({x: 1}).limit(failLimit).itcount(); }); st.stop(); })();