/* * Test that the index commands send and check shard versions, and only target the shards * that have chunks for the collection. Also test that the commands fail if they are run * when the critical section is in progress, and block until the critical section is over. */ (function() { "use strict"; load('jstests/libs/chunk_manipulation_util.js'); load("jstests/libs/fail_point_util.js"); load("jstests/sharding/libs/sharded_index_util.js"); load("jstests/sharding/libs/shard_versioning_util.js"); load("jstests/libs/parallelTester.js"); // For Thread. // Test deliberately inserts orphans outside of migration. TestData.skipCheckOrphans = true; // This test connects directly to shards and creates collections. TestData.skipCheckShardFilteringMetadata = true; // Do not check metadata consistency as collections on non-primary shards are created for testing // purposes. TestData.skipCheckMetadataConsistency = true; /* * Runs the command after performing chunk operations to make the primary shard (shard0) not own * any chunks for the collection, and the subset of non-primary shards (shard1 and shard2) that * own chunks for the collection have stale catalog cache. * * Asserts that the command checks shard versions by checking that the shards to refresh their * cache after the command is run. */ function assertCommandChecksShardVersions(st, dbName, collName, testCase) { const ns = dbName + "." + collName; // Move the initial chunk out of the primary shard. ShardVersioningUtil.moveChunkNotRefreshRecipient(st.s, ns, st.shard0, st.shard1, {_id: MinKey}); // Split the chunk to create two chunks on shard1. Move one of the chunks to shard2. assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({split: ns, middle: {_id: 0}})); ShardVersioningUtil.moveChunkNotRefreshRecipient(st.s, ns, st.shard1, st.shard2, {_id: 0}); // Assert that primary shard does not have any chunks for the collection. ShardVersioningUtil.assertShardVersionEquals(st.shard0, ns, Timestamp(0, 0)); // The donor shard for the last moveChunk will have the latest collection version. const latestCollectionVersion = ShardVersioningUtil.getMetadataOnShard(st.shard1, ns).collVersion; // Assert that besides the latest donor shard (shard1), all shards have stale collection // version. ShardVersioningUtil.assertCollectionVersionOlderThan(st.shard0, ns, latestCollectionVersion); ShardVersioningUtil.assertCollectionVersionOlderThan(st.shard2, ns, latestCollectionVersion); if (testCase.setUpFuncForCheckShardVersionTest) { testCase.setUpFuncForCheckShardVersionTest(); } assert.commandWorked(st.s.getDB(dbName).runCommand(testCase.command)); // Assert that primary shard still has stale collection version after the command is run // because both the shard version in the command and in the shard's cache are UNSHARDED // (no chunks). ShardVersioningUtil.assertCollectionVersionOlderThan(st.shard0, ns, latestCollectionVersion); // Assert that the targeted shards have the latest collection version after the command is // run. ShardVersioningUtil.assertCollectionVersionEquals(st.shard1, ns, latestCollectionVersion); ShardVersioningUtil.assertCollectionVersionEquals(st.shard2, ns, latestCollectionVersion); } /* * Runs moveChunk to move one chunk from the primary shard (shard0) to shard1. Pauses the * migration after shard0 enters the read-only phase of the critical section, and runs * the given command function. Asserts that the command is blocked behind the critical section. */ function assertCommandBlocksIfCriticalSectionInProgress( st, staticMongod, dbName, collName, allShards, testCase) { const ns = dbName + "." + collName; const fromShard = st.shard0; const toShard = st.shard1; if (testCase.setUpFuncForCriticalSectionTest) { testCase.setUpFuncForCriticalSectionTest(); } // Split the initial chunk. assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({split: ns, middle: {_id: 0}})); // Turn on the fail point, and move one of the chunks to shard1 so that there are two // shards that own chunks for the collection. Wait for moveChunk to hit the fail point. pauseMoveChunkAtStep(fromShard, moveChunkStepNames.chunkDataCommitted); let joinMoveChunk = moveChunkParallel(staticMongod, st.s.host, {_id: 0}, null, ns, toShard.shardName); waitForMoveChunkStep(fromShard, moveChunkStepNames.chunkDataCommitted); // Run the command with maxTimeMS. const cmdWithMaxTimeMS = Object.assign({}, testCase.command, {maxTimeMS: 750}); assert.commandFailed(st.s.getDB(dbName).runCommand(cmdWithMaxTimeMS)); // Assert that the command reached the shard and then timed out. // It could be possible that the following check fails on slow clusters because the request // expired its maxTimeMS on the mongos before to reach the shard. checkLog.checkContainsOnceJsonStringMatch(st.shard0, 22062, "error", "MaxTimeMSExpired"); allShards.forEach(function(shard) { testCase.assertCommandDidNotRunOnShard(shard); }); // Turn off the fail point and wait for moveChunk to complete. unpauseMoveChunkAtStep(fromShard, moveChunkStepNames.chunkDataCommitted); joinMoveChunk(); } // Disable checking for index consistency to ensure that the config server doesn't trigger a // StaleShardVersion exception on shards and cause them to refresh their sharding metadata. const nodeOptions = { setParameter: {enableShardedIndexConsistencyCheck: false} }; const numShards = 3; const st = new ShardingTest({shards: numShards, other: {configOptions: nodeOptions}}); const allShards = []; for (let i = 0; i < numShards; i++) { allShards.push(st["shard" + i]); } const dbName = "test"; const testDB = st.s.getDB(dbName); const shardKey = { _id: 1 }; const index = { key: {x: 1}, name: "x_1" }; const testCases = { createIndexes: collName => { return { command: {createIndexes: collName, indexes: [index]}, assertCommandRanOnShard: (shard) => { ShardedIndexUtil.assertIndexExistsOnShard(shard, dbName, collName, index.key); }, assertCommandDidNotRunOnShard: (shard) => { ShardedIndexUtil.assertIndexDoesNotExistOnShard(shard, dbName, collName, index.key); } }; }, dropIndexes: collName => { const ns = dbName + "." + collName; const createIndexOnAllShards = () => { allShards.forEach(function(shard) { assert.commandWorked( shard.getDB(dbName).runCommand({createIndexes: collName, indexes: [index]})); }); }; return { command: {dropIndexes: collName, index: index.name}, setUpFuncForCheckShardVersionTest: () => { // Create the index directly on all the shards. Note that this will not cause stale // shards to refresh their shard versions. createIndexOnAllShards(); }, setUpFuncForCriticalSectionTest: () => { // Move the initial chunk from the shard0 (primary shard) to shard1 and then move it // from shard1 back to shard0. This is just to make the collection also exist on // shard1 so that the createIndexes command below won't create the collection on // shard1 with a different UUID which will cause the moveChunk command in the test // to fail. assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({ moveChunk: ns, find: {_id: MinKey}, to: st.shard1.shardName, _waitForDelete: true })); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({ moveChunk: ns, find: {_id: MinKey}, to: st.shard0.shardName, _waitForDelete: true })); // Create the index directly on all the shards so shards. createIndexOnAllShards(); }, assertCommandRanOnShard: (shard) => { ShardedIndexUtil.assertIndexDoesNotExistOnShard(shard, dbName, collName, index.key); }, assertCommandDidNotRunOnShard: (shard) => { ShardedIndexUtil.assertIndexExistsOnShard(shard, dbName, collName, index.key); } }; }, }; assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({enableSharding: dbName})); st.ensurePrimaryShard(dbName, st.shard0.shardName); // Test that the index commands send and check shard vesions, and only target the shards // that own chunks for the collection. const expectedTargetedShards = new Set([st.shard1, st.shard2]); assert.lt(expectedTargetedShards.size, numShards); for (const command of Object.keys(testCases)) { jsTest.log(`Testing that ${command} sends and checks shard version...`); let collName = command; let ns = dbName + "." + collName; let testCase = testCases[command](collName); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({shardCollection: ns, key: shardKey})); assertCommandChecksShardVersions(st, dbName, collName, testCase); allShards.forEach(function(shard) { if (expectedTargetedShards.has(shard)) { testCase.assertCommandRanOnShard(shard); } else { testCase.assertCommandDidNotRunOnShard(shard); } }); } // Test that the index commands are blocked behind the critical section. const staticMongod = MongoRunner.runMongod({}); for (const command of Object.keys(testCases)) { jsTest.log(`Testing that ${command} is blocked behind the critical section...`); let collName = command + "CriticalSection"; let ns = dbName + "." + collName; let testCase = testCases[command](collName); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({shardCollection: ns, key: shardKey})); assertCommandBlocksIfCriticalSectionInProgress( st, staticMongod, dbName, collName, allShards, testCase); } st.stop(); MongoRunner.stopMongod(staticMongod); })();