/** * Tests for causal consistency key rotation. In particular, tests: * - that a sharded cluster with no keys inserts new keys after startup. * - responses from servers in a sharded cluster contain a cluster time object with a signature. * - manual key rotation is possible by deleting existing keys and restarting the cluster. * * Manual key rotation requires restarting a shard, so a persistent storage engine is necessary. * @tags: [requires_persistence] */ // This test restarts a shard replica set, potentially changing the primary node, while // ShardingTest._connections remains stale with the old primary/secondaries information. The UUIDs // check does a primary only command against the shards using _connections and can fail. TestData.skipCheckingUUIDsConsistentAcrossCluster = true; (function() { "use strict"; let st = new ShardingTest({shards: {rs0: {nodes: 2}}}); // Verify after startup there is a new key in admin.system.keys. jsTestLog("Verify the admin.system.keys collection after startup."); let startupKeys = st.s.getDB("admin").system.keys.find(); assert(startupKeys.count() >= 2); // Should be at least two generations of keys available. startupKeys.toArray().forEach(function(key, i) { assert.hasFields( key, ["purpose", "key", "expiresAt"], "key document " + i + ": " + tojson(key) + ", did not have all of the expected fields"); }); // Verify there is a $clusterTime with a signature in the response. jsTestLog("Verify a signature is included in the cluster time in a response."); let res = assert.commandWorked(st.s.getDB("test").runCommand({isMaster: 1})); assert.hasFields(res, ["$clusterTime"]); assert.hasFields(res.$clusterTime, ["signature"]); assert.hasFields(res.$clusterTime.signature, ["hash", "keyId"]); // Verify manual key rotation. jsTestLog("Verify manual key rotation."); // Pause key generation on the config server primary. for (let i = 0; i < st.configRS.nodes.length; i++) { st.configRS.nodes[i].adminCommand( {configureFailPoint: "disableKeyGeneration", mode: "alwaysOn"}); } // Delete all existing keys. res = st.configRS.getPrimary().getDB("admin").system.keys.remove({purpose: "HMAC"}); assert(res.nRemoved >= 2); assert(st.s.getDB("admin").system.keys.find().count() == 0); // Restart the config servers, so they will create new keys once the failpoint is disabled. st.configRS.stopSet(null /* signal */, true /* forRestart */); st.configRS.startSet( {restart: true, setParameter: {"failpoint.disableKeyGeneration": "{'mode':'alwaysOn'}"}}); // Limit the max time between refreshes on the config server, so new keys are created quickly. st.configRS.getPrimary().adminCommand({ "configureFailPoint": "maxKeyRefreshWaitTimeOverrideMS", "mode": "alwaysOn", "data": {"overrideMS": 1000} }); // Kill and restart all shards and mongos processes so they have no keys in memory. st.rs0.stopSet(null /* signal */, true /* forRestart */); st.rs0.startSet({restart: true}); // The shard primary should return a dummy signed cluster time, because there are no keys. res = assert.commandWorked(st.rs0.getPrimary().getDB("test").runCommand({isMaster: 1})); assert.hasFields(res, ["$clusterTime", "operationTime"]); assert.eq(res.$clusterTime.signature.keyId, NumberLong(0)); // Resume key generation. for (let i = 0; i < st.configRS.nodes.length; i++) { st.configRS.getPrimary().adminCommand( {configureFailPoint: "disableKeyGeneration", mode: "off"}); } st.restartMongos(0); // Wait for config server primary to create new keys. assert.soonNoExcept(function() { let keys = st.s.getDB("admin").system.keys.find(); assert(keys.count() >= 2); return true; }, "expected the config server primary to create new keys"); st.stop(); })();