/* * Run the kill_sessions tests against a sharded cluster. */ load("jstests/libs/kill_sessions.js"); (function() { 'use strict'; // This test involves killing all sessions, which will not work as expected if the kill command is // sent with an implicit session. TestData.disableImplicitSessions = true; function runTests(needAuth) { var other = { rs: true, rs0: {nodes: 3}, rs1: {nodes: 3}, }; if (needAuth) { other.keyFile = 'jstests/libs/key1'; } var st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2, mongos: 1, other: other}); var forExec = st.s0; if (needAuth) { KillSessionsTestHelper.initializeAuth(forExec); } var forKill = new Mongo(forExec.host); var r = forExec.getDB("admin").runCommand({ multicast: {ping: 1}, db: "admin", }); assert(r.ok); var hosts = []; for (var host in r["hosts"]) { var host = new Mongo(host); if (needAuth) { host.getDB("local").auth("__system", "foopdedoop"); } hosts.push(host); } var args = [forExec, forKill, hosts]; if (needAuth) { KillSessionsTestHelper.runAuth.apply({}, args); } else { KillSessionsTestHelper.runNoAuth.apply({}, args); } st.stop(); } runTests(true); runTests(false); })();