// Confirms basic killOp execution via mongos. // @tags: [requires_replication, requires_sharding] (function() { "use strict"; const st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2}); const conn = st.s; const db = conn.getDB("killOp"); const coll = db.test; assert.commandWorked(db.getCollection(coll.getName()).insert({x: 1})); const kFailPointName = "waitInFindBeforeMakingBatch"; assert.commandWorked(conn.adminCommand({"configureFailPoint": kFailPointName, "mode": "alwaysOn"})); const queryToKill = `assert.commandFailedWithCode(db.getSiblingDB('${db.getName()}')` + `.runCommand({find: '${coll.getName()}', filter: {x: 1}}), ErrorCodes.Interrupted);`; const awaitShell = startParallelShell(queryToKill, conn.port); function runCurOp() { const filter = {"ns": coll.getFullName(), "command.filter": {x: 1}}; return db.getSiblingDB("admin") .aggregate([{$currentOp: {localOps: true}}, {$match: filter}]) .toArray(); } let opId; // Wait for the operation to start. assert.soon( function() { const result = runCurOp(); // Check the 'msg' field to be sure that the failpoint has been reached. if (result.length === 1 && result[0].msg === kFailPointName) { opId = result[0].opid; return true; } return false; }, function() { return "Failed to find operation in currentOp() output: " + tojson(db.currentOp({"ns": coll.getFullName()})); }); // Kill the operation. assert.commandWorked(db.killOp(opId)); // Ensure that the operation gets marked kill pending while it's still hanging. let result = runCurOp(); assert(result.length === 1, tojson(result)); assert(result[0].hasOwnProperty("killPending")); assert.eq(true, result[0].killPending); // Release the failpoint. The operation should check for interrupt and then finish. assert.commandWorked(conn.adminCommand({"configureFailPoint": kFailPointName, "mode": "off"})); awaitShell(); result = runCurOp(); assert(result.length === 0, tojson(result)); st.stop(); })();