// These commands were removed from mongos since the last LTS version, but will still appear in the // listCommands output of a last LTS version mongos. A last-lts mongos will be unable to // run a command on a latest version shard that no longer supports that command. To increase test // coverage and allow us to run on same- and mixed-version suites, we allow these commands to have a // test defined without always existing on the servers being used. const commandsRemovedFromMongosSinceLastLTS = [ "repairShardedCollectionChunksHistory", // last-continuos "getLastError", "getnonce", "driverOIDTest", "transitionToCatalogShard", ]; // These commands were added in mongos since the last LTS version, so will not appear in the // listCommands output of a last LTS version mongos. We will allow these commands to have a test // defined without always existing on the mongos being used. const commandsAddedToMongosSinceLastLTS = [ "_clusterQueryWithoutShardKey", "_clusterWriteWithoutShardKey", "abortReshardCollection", "analyze", "appendOplogNote", "bulkWrite", "checkMetadataConsistency", "cleanupReshardCollection", "cleanupStructuredEncryptionData", "commitReshardCollection", "compactStructuredEncryptionData", "configureCollectionBalancing", "coordinateCommitTransaction", "createSearchIndexes", "dropSearchIndex", "getClusterParameter", "getQueryableEncryptionCountInfo", "listSearchIndexes", "mergeAllChunksOnShard", "moveRange", "oidcListKeys", "oidcRefreshKeys", "resetPlacementHistory", // TODO (SERVER-68217): remove item from array. "reshardCollection", "rotateCertificates", "setAllowMigrations", "setClusterParameter", "setUserWriteBlockMode", "testDeprecation", "testDeprecationInVersion2", "testInternalTransactions", "testRemoval", "testVersions1And2", "testVersion2", "transitionFromDedicatedConfigServer", "transitionToDedicatedConfigServer", "updateSearchIndex", ];