/** * Control the proxy protocol server. */ class ProxyProtocolServer { /** * Create a new proxy protocol server. */ constructor(ingress_port, egress_port, version) { this.python = "python3"; if (_isWindows()) { this.python = "python.exe"; } print("Using python interpreter: " + this.python); this.web_server_py = "jstests/sharding/libs/proxy_protocol_server.py"; this.pid = undefined; this.ingress_port = ingress_port; this.egress_port = egress_port; assert(version === 1 || version === 2); this.version = version; } /** * Get the ingress port - the port over which a client wishing to appear proxied should connect. * * @return {number} ingress port number */ getIngressPort() { return this.ingress_port; } /** * Get the egress port - the port that mongos should be listening on for proxied connections. * * @return {number} egress port number */ getEgressPort() { return this.egress_port; } /** * Start the server. */ start() { print("Proxy protocol server is listening on port: " + this.ingress_port); print("Proxy protocol server is proxying to port: " + this.egress_port); let args = [ this.python, "-u", this.web_server_py, "--service", "" + this.ingress_port, "" + this.egress_port + "?pp=v" + this.version ]; clearRawMongoProgramOutput(); this.pid = _startMongoProgram({args: args}); assert(checkProgram(this.pid)); // Wait for the web server to start assert.soon(function() { return rawMongoProgramOutput().search("Starting proxy protocol server...") !== -1; }); print("Proxy Protocol Server sucessfully started."); } /** * Stop the server. */ stop() { stopMongoProgramByPid(this.pid); } }