const kSnapshotErrors = [ErrorCodes.SnapshotTooOld, ErrorCodes.SnapshotUnavailable, ErrorCodes.StaleChunkHistory]; // List of failpoints in the coordinator's two-phase commit code. The associated data describes how // many times each failpoint would be hit assuming a 3-participant transaction where one of the // participants is co-located with the coordinator: // - numTimesShouldBeHit: N means the failpoint should be hit N times during that phase; for // example, if there are two remote participants, the hangWhileTargetingRemoteHost failpoint would // be hit two times in the prepare phase. // - skip: N means turn on the failpoint after the failpoint has been hit N times; it's used to turn // on the remote and local targeting failpoints for the prepare and decision phase separately. function getCoordinatorFailpoints() { const coordinatorFailpointDataArr = [ {failpoint: "hangBeforeWritingParticipantList", numTimesShouldBeHit: 1}, { // Test targeting remote nodes for prepare failpoint: "hangWhileTargetingRemoteHost", numTimesShouldBeHit: 2 /* once per remote participant */ }, { // Test targeting local node for prepare failpoint: "hangWhileTargetingLocalHost", numTimesShouldBeHit: 1 }, {failpoint: "hangBeforeWritingDecision", numTimesShouldBeHit: 1}, { // Test targeting remote nodes for decision failpoint: "hangWhileTargetingRemoteHost", numTimesShouldBeHit: 2, /* once per remote participant */ skip: 2 /* to skip when the failpoint is hit for prepare */ }, { // Test targeting local node for decision failpoint: "hangWhileTargetingLocalHost", numTimesShouldBeHit: 1, skip: 1 /* to skip when the failpoint is hit for prepare */ }, {failpoint: "hangBeforeDeletingCoordinatorDoc", numTimesShouldBeHit: 1}, ]; // Return a deep copy of the array, so that the caller is free to modify its contents. return => Object.assign({}, failpoint)); } function setFailCommandOnShards(st, mode, commands, code, numShards, ns) { for (let i = 0; i < numShards; i++) { const shardConn = st["rs" + i].getPrimary(); // Sharding tests require failInternalCommands: true, since the mongos appears to mongod to // be an internal client. if (ns) { assert.commandWorked(shardConn.adminCommand({ configureFailPoint: "failCommand", mode: mode, data: { namespace: ns, errorCode: code, failCommands: commands, failInternalCommands: true } })); } else { assert.commandWorked(shardConn.adminCommand({ configureFailPoint: "failCommand", mode: mode, data: {errorCode: code, failCommands: commands, failInternalCommands: true} })); } } } function unsetFailCommandOnEachShard(st, numShards) { for (let i = 0; i < numShards; i++) { const shardConn = st["rs" + i].getPrimary(); assert.commandWorked( shardConn.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: "failCommand", mode: "off"})); } } function assertNoSuchTransactionOnAllShards(st, lsid, txnNumber) { st._rs.forEach(function(rs) { assertNoSuchTransactionOnConn(rs.test.getPrimary(), lsid, txnNumber); }); } function assertNoSuchTransactionOnConn(conn, lsid, txnNumber) { assert.commandFailedWithCode( conn.getDB("foo").runCommand({ find: "bar", lsid: lsid, txnNumber: NumberLong(txnNumber), autocommit: false, }), ErrorCodes.NoSuchTransaction, "expected there to be no active transaction on shard, lsid: " + tojson(lsid) + ", txnNumber: " + tojson(txnNumber) + ", connection: " + tojson(conn)); } function waitForFailpoint(hitFailpointStr, numTimes, timeout) { // Don't run the hang analyzer because we don't expect waitForFailpoint() to always succeed. const hitFailpointRe = /Hit (\w+) failpoint/; const hitRe = /Hit (\w+)/; const matchHitFailpoint = hitFailpointStr.match(hitFailpointRe); const matchHit = hitFailpointStr.match(hitRe); if (matchHitFailpoint) { hitFailpointStr = `(Hit .+ failpoint.*${matchHitFailpoint[1]}|${hitFailpointStr})`; } else { hitFailpointStr = `(Hit .+.*${matchHit[1]}|${hitFailpointStr})`; } assert.soon( function() { const re = new RegExp(hitFailpointStr, 'g' /* find all occurrences */); return (rawMongoProgramOutput().match(re) || []).length == numTimes; }, 'Failed to find "' + hitFailpointStr + '" logged ' + numTimes + ' times', timeout, undefined, {runHangAnalyzer: false}); } /* * If all shards in the cluster have binVersion "lastest", sets the server parameter for * making the transaction coordinator return decision early to true. * TODO (SERVER-48114): Remove this function. */ function enableCoordinateCommitReturnImmediatelyAfterPersistingDecision(st) { st._rs.forEach(rs => { rs.nodes.forEach(node => { assert.commandWorked(node.getDB('admin').runCommand({ setParameter: 1, "coordinateCommitReturnImmediatelyAfterPersistingDecision": true })); }); }); } // Enables the transaction router to retry on stale version (db or shard version) and snapshot // errors within a transaction. // // TODO SERVER-39704: Remove this function. function enableStaleVersionAndSnapshotRetriesWithinTransactions(st) { assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({ configureFailPoint: "enableStaleVersionAndSnapshotRetriesWithinTransactions", mode: "alwaysOn" })); st._rs.forEach(function(replTest) { replTest.nodes.forEach(function(node) { assert.commandWorked(node.getDB('admin').runCommand( {configureFailPoint: "dontRemoveTxnCoordinatorOnAbort", mode: "alwaysOn"})); }); }); } // TODO SERVER-39704: Remove this function. function disableStaleVersionAndSnapshotRetriesWithinTransactions(st) { assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({ configureFailPoint: "enableStaleVersionAndSnapshotRetriesWithinTransactions", mode: "off" })); st._rs.forEach(function(replTest) { replTest.nodes.forEach(function(node) { assert.commandWorked(node.getDB('admin').runCommand( {configureFailPoint: "dontRemoveTxnCoordinatorOnAbort", mode: "off"})); }); }); } // Flush each router's metadata and force refreshes on each shard for the given namespace and/or // database names. // // TODO SERVER-39704: Remove this function. function flushRoutersAndRefreshShardMetadata(st, {ns, dbNames = []} = {}) { st._mongos.forEach((s) => { assert.commandWorked(s.adminCommand({flushRouterConfig: 1})); }); st._rs.forEach((rs) => { if (ns) { assert.commandWorked( rs.test.getPrimary().adminCommand({_flushRoutingTableCacheUpdates: ns})); } dbNames.forEach((dbName) => { assert.commandWorked( rs.test.getPrimary().adminCommand({_flushDatabaseCacheUpdates: dbName})); }); }); } function makeLsidFilter(lsid, fieldName) { const filter = {}; for (let k of ["id", "txnUUID", "txnNumber"]) { if (k in lsid) { filter[fieldName + "." + k] = lsid[k]; } else { filter[fieldName + "." + k] = {"$exists": false}; } } return filter; } function getOplogEntriesForTxnOnNode(node, lsid, txnNumber) { const filter = Object.assign(makeLsidFilter(lsid, "lsid"), {txnNumber: NumberLong(txnNumber)}); return node.getCollection("").find(filter).sort({_id: 1}).toArray(); } function getOplogEntriesForTxn(rs, lsid, txnNumber) { return getOplogEntriesForTxnOnNode(rs.getPrimary(), lsid, txnNumber); } function getTxnEntriesForSessionOnNode(node, lsid) { return node.getCollection("config.transactions") .find(makeLsidFilter(lsid, "_id")) .sort({_id: 1}) .toArray(); } function getTxnEntriesForSession(rs, lsid) { return getTxnEntriesForSessionOnNode(rs.getPrimary(), lsid); } function getImageEntriesForTxnOnNode(node, lsid, txnNumber) { const filter = Object.assign(makeLsidFilter(lsid, "_id"), {txnNum: NumberLong(txnNumber)}); return node.getCollection("config.image_collection").find(filter).sort({_id: 1}).toArray(); } function getImageEntriesForTxn(rs, lsid, txnNumber) { return getImageEntriesForTxnOnNode(rs.getPrimary(), lsid, txnNumber); } function makeAbortTransactionCmdObj(lsid, txnNumber) { return { abortTransaction: 1, lsid: lsid, txnNumber: NumberLong(txnNumber), autocommit: false, }; } function makeCommitTransactionCmdObj(lsid, txnNumber) { return { commitTransaction: 1, lsid: lsid, txnNumber: NumberLong(txnNumber), autocommit: false, }; } function makePrepareTransactionCmdObj(lsid, txnNumber) { return { prepareTransaction: 1, lsid: lsid, txnNumber: NumberLong(txnNumber), autocommit: false, writeConcern: {w: "majority"}, }; } function isUpdateDocumentShardKeyUsingTransactionApiEnabled(conn) { return jsTestOptions().mongosBinVersion !== "last-lts" && jsTestOptions().mongosBinVersion !== "last-continuous" && assert .commandWorked(conn.adminCommand( {getParameter: 1, featureFlagUpdateDocumentShardKeyUsingTransactionApi: 1})) .featureFlagUpdateDocumentShardKeyUsingTransactionApi.value; }