/* * This test exercises the "linearizable" readConcern option on a simple sharded cluster. * Note that a full linearizable read concern test exists in * "replsets/linearizable_read_concern.js". This test exists mainly to affirm that a * readConcern "linearizable" propagates correctly through a sharded cluster i.e. we * execute database commands only through a mongos, not directly on a replica set. * * There is one mongos and two shards (each a 3-node replica set). We put one * chunk on each shard, each containing five documents. We then execute a * linearizable read targeting both shards with readPreference "secondary", to * make sure it fails. We next execute a linearizable read targeting both * shards with readPreference "primary" to make sure it succeeds. The primary * is then partitioned from the other two secondaries in the first shard, and * we make sure that a linearizable read targeting primaries in both shards * times out, since the partitioned primary can no longer communicate with a * majority of nodes. * * NOTE: Linearizability guarantees only apply when a query specifies a unique * document. This test is mainly trying to ensure that system behavior is * reasonable when executing linearizable reads in a sharded cluster, so as to * exercise possible (invalid) user behavior. */ load("jstests/replsets/rslib.js"); load("jstests/libs/write_concern_util.js"); (function() { "use strict"; var testName = "linearizable_read_concern"; var st = new ShardingTest({ name: testName, shards: 2, other: {rs0: {nodes: 3}, rs1: {nodes: 3}, useBridge: true}, mongos: 1, config: 1, enableBalancer: false }); jsTestLog("Setting up sharded cluster."); // Set up the sharded cluster. var dbName = testName; var collName = "test"; var collNamespace = dbName + "." + collName; var shard0ReplTest = st.rs0; var shard1ReplTest = st.rs1; var testDB = st.s.getDB(dbName); // Set high election timeout so that primary doesn't step down during linearizable read test. var cfg = shard0ReplTest.getReplSetConfigFromNode(0); cfg.settings.electionTimeoutMillis = shard0ReplTest.kDefaultTimeoutMS; reconfig(shard0ReplTest, cfg, true); // Set up sharded collection. Put 5 documents on each shard, with keys {x: 0...9}. var numDocs = 10; shardCollectionWithChunks(st, testDB[collName], numDocs); // Make sure the 'shardIdentity' document on each shard is replicated to all secondary nodes // before issuing reads against them. shard0ReplTest.awaitReplication(); shard1ReplTest.awaitReplication(); // Print current sharding stats for debugging. st.printShardingStatus(5); // Filter to target one document in each shard. var shard0DocKey = 2; var shard1DocKey = 7; var dualShardQueryFilter = {$or: [{x: shard0DocKey}, {x: shard1DocKey}]}; jsTestLog("Testing linearizable read from secondaries"); // Execute a linearizable read from secondaries (targeting both shards) which should fail. st.s.setReadPref("secondary"); var res = assert.commandFailed(testDB.runReadCommand({ find: collName, filter: dualShardQueryFilter, readConcern: {level: "linearizable"}, maxTimeMS: shard0ReplTest.kDefaultTimeoutMS })); assert.eq(res.code, ErrorCodes.NotMaster); jsTestLog("Testing linearizable read from primaries."); // Execute a linearizable read from primaries (targeting both shards) which should succeed. st.s.setReadPref("primary"); var res = assert.writeOK(testDB.runReadCommand({ find: collName, sort: {x: 1}, filter: dualShardQueryFilter, readConcern: {level: "linearizable"}, maxTimeMS: shard0ReplTest.kDefaultTimeoutMS })); // Make sure data was returned from both shards correctly. assert.eq(res.cursor.firstBatch[0].x, shard0DocKey); assert.eq(res.cursor.firstBatch[1].x, shard1DocKey); jsTestLog("Testing linearizable read targeting partitioned primary."); var primary = shard0ReplTest.getPrimary(); var secondaries = shard0ReplTest.getSecondaries(); // Partition the primary in the first shard. secondaries[0].disconnect(primary); secondaries[1].disconnect(primary); jsTestLog("Current Replica Set Topology of First Shard: [Secondary-Secondary] [Primary]"); // Execute a linearizable read targeting the partitioned primary in first shard, and good // primary in the second shard. This should time out due to partitioned primary. var result = testDB.runReadCommand({ find: collName, filter: dualShardQueryFilter, readConcern: {level: "linearizable"}, maxTimeMS: 3000 }); assert.commandFailedWithCode(result, ErrorCodes.ExceededTimeLimit); st.stop(); })();