// SERVER-6591: Localhost authentication exception doesn't work right on sharded cluster // // This test is to ensure that localhost authentication works correctly against a sharded // cluster whether they are hosted with "localhost" or a hostname. // Checking UUID consistency, which occurs on ShardingTest.stop, involves using a mongos to read // data on the config server, but this test uses a special shutdown function which stops the // mongoses before calling ShardingTest.stop. TestData.skipCheckingUUIDsConsistentAcrossCluster = true; (function() { 'use strict'; var replSetName = "replsets_server-6591"; var keyfile = "jstests/libs/key1"; var numShards = 2; var username = "foo"; var password = "bar"; var createUser = function(mongo) { print("============ adding a user."); mongo.getDB("admin").createUser( {user: username, pwd: password, roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles}); }; var addUsersToEachShard = function(st) { for (var i = 0; i < numShards; i++) { print("============ adding a user to shard " + i); var d = st["shard" + i]; d.getDB("admin").createUser( {user: username, pwd: password, roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles}); } }; var addShard = function(st, shouldPass) { var m = MongoRunner.runMongod({auth: "", keyFile: keyfile, useHostname: false, 'shardsvr': ''}); var res = st.getDB("admin").runCommand({addShard: m.host}); if (shouldPass) { assert.commandWorked(res, "Add shard"); } else { assert.commandFailed(res, "Add shard"); } return m; }; var findEmptyShard = function(st, ns) { var counts = st.chunkCounts("foo"); for (var shard in counts) { if (counts[shard] == 0) { return shard; } } return null; }; var assertCannotRunCommands = function(mongo, st) { print("============ ensuring that commands cannot be run."); // CRUD var test = mongo.getDB("test"); assert.throws(function() { test.system.users.findOne(); }); assert.writeError(test.foo.save({_id: 0})); assert.throws(function() { test.foo.findOne({_id: 0}); }); assert.writeError(test.foo.update({_id: 0}, {$set: {x: 20}})); assert.writeError(test.foo.remove({_id: 0})); // Multi-shard assert.throws(function() { test.foo.mapReduce( function() { emit(1, 1); }, function(id, count) { return Array.sum(count); }, {out: "other"}); }); // Config assert.throws(function() { mongo.getDB("config").shards.findOne(); }); var authorizeErrorCode = 13; var res = mongo.getDB("admin").runCommand({ moveChunk: "test.foo", find: {_id: 1}, to: st.shard0.shardName // Arbitrary shard. }); assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, authorizeErrorCode, "moveChunk"); // Create collection assert.commandFailedWithCode( mongo.getDB("test").createCollection("log", {capped: true, size: 5242880, max: 5000}), authorizeErrorCode, "createCollection"); // Set/Get system parameters var params = [ {param: "journalCommitInterval", val: 200}, {param: "logLevel", val: 2}, {param: "logUserIds", val: 1}, {param: "notablescan", val: 1}, {param: "quiet", val: 1}, {param: "replApplyBatchSize", val: 10}, {param: "replIndexPrefetch", val: "none"}, {param: "syncdelay", val: 30}, {param: "traceExceptions", val: true}, {param: "sslMode", val: "preferSSL"}, {param: "clusterAuthMode", val: "sendX509"}, {param: "userCacheInvalidationIntervalSecs", val: 300} ]; params.forEach(function(p) { var cmd = {setParameter: 1}; cmd[p.param] = p.val; assert.commandFailedWithCode(mongo.getDB("admin").runCommand(cmd), authorizeErrorCode, "setParameter: " + p.param); }); params.forEach(function(p) { var cmd = {getParameter: 1}; cmd[p.param] = 1; assert.commandFailedWithCode(mongo.getDB("admin").runCommand(cmd), authorizeErrorCode, "getParameter: " + p.param); }); }; var assertCanRunCommands = function(mongo, st) { print("============ ensuring that commands can be run."); // CRUD var test = mongo.getDB("test"); // this will throw if it fails test.system.users.findOne(); assert.writeOK(test.foo.save({_id: 0})); assert.writeOK(test.foo.update({_id: 0}, {$set: {x: 20}})); assert.writeOK(test.foo.remove({_id: 0})); // Multi-shard test.foo.mapReduce( function() { emit(1, 1); }, function(id, count) { return Array.sum(count); }, {out: "other"}); // Config // this will throw if it fails mongo.getDB("config").shards.findOne(); var to = findEmptyShard(st, "test.foo"); var res = mongo.getDB("admin").runCommand({moveChunk: "test.foo", find: {_id: 1}, to: to}); assert.commandWorked(res); }; var authenticate = function(mongo) { print("============ authenticating user."); mongo.getDB("admin").auth(username, password); }; var setupSharding = function(shardingTest) { var mongo = shardingTest.s; print("============ enabling sharding on test.foo."); mongo.getDB("admin").runCommand({enableSharding: "test"}); shardingTest.ensurePrimaryShard('test', st.shard1.shardName); mongo.getDB("admin").runCommand({shardCollection: "test.foo", key: {_id: 1}}); var test = mongo.getDB("test"); for (var i = 1; i < 20; i++) { test.foo.insert({_id: i}); } }; var start = function() { // TODO: Remove 'shardAsReplicaSet: false' when SERVER-32672 is fixed. return new ShardingTest({ auth: "", shards: numShards, other: { keyFile: keyfile, chunkSize: 1, useHostname: false, // Must use localhost to take advantage of the localhost auth bypass shardAsReplicaSet: false } }); }; var shutdown = function(st) { print("============ shutting down."); // SERVER-8445 // Unlike MongoRunner.stopMongod and ReplSetTest.stopSet, // ShardingTest.stop does not have a way to provide auth // information. Therefore, we'll do this manually for now. for (var i = 0; i < st._mongos.length; i++) { var conn = st["s" + i]; MongoRunner.stopMongos(conn, /*signal*/ false, {auth: {user: username, pwd: password}}); } for (var i = 0; i < st._connections.length; i++) { var conn = st["shard" + i]; MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn, /*signal*/ false, {auth: {user: username, pwd: password}}); } for (var i = 0; i < st._configServers.length; i++) { var conn = st["config" + i]; MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn, /*signal*/ false, {auth: {user: username, pwd: password}}); } st.stop(); }; print("====================="); print("starting shards"); print("====================="); var st = start(); var host = st.s.host; var extraShards = []; var mongo = new Mongo(host); assertCannotRunCommands(mongo, st); extraShards.push(addShard(st, 1)); createUser(mongo); authenticate(mongo); authenticate(st.s); setupSharding(st); addUsersToEachShard(st); st.printShardingStatus(); assertCanRunCommands(mongo, st); print("==============================="); print("reconnecting with a new client."); print("==============================="); mongo = new Mongo(host); assertCannotRunCommands(mongo, st); extraShards.push(addShard(mongo, 0)); authenticate(mongo); assertCanRunCommands(mongo, st); extraShards.push(addShard(mongo, 1)); st.printShardingStatus(); shutdown(st); extraShards.forEach(function(sh) { MongoRunner.stopMongod(sh); }); })();