/** * Test that aggregation log lines include remoteOpWaitMillis: the amount of time the merger spent * waiting for results from shards. * * @tags: [ * # $mergeCursors was added to explain output in 5.3. * requires_fcv_53 * ] * */ (function() { load("jstests/libs/log.js"); // For findMatchingLogLine. const st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2, rs: {nodes: 1}}); st.stopBalancer(); const dbName = st.s.defaultDB; const coll = st.s.getDB(dbName).getCollection('profile_remote_op_wait'); coll.drop(); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({enableSharding: dbName})); // Shard the test collection and split it into two chunks: one that contains all {shard: 1} // documents and one that contains all {shard: 2} documents. st.shardColl(coll.getName(), {shard: 1} /* shard key */, {shard: 2} /* split at */, {shard: 2} /* move the chunk containing {shard: 2} to its own shard */, dbName, true); assert.commandWorked( coll.insert(Array.from({length: 100}, (_, i) => ({_id: i, shard: (i % 2) + 1, x: i})))); // We want a pipeline that: // 1. Requires a mergerPart. Otherwise, the entire query might get passed through to one shard, and // we wouldn't spend time waiting for other nodes. // 2. Is streaming. Otherwise, the merger would have to consume its entire input before returning // the first batch, meaning subsequent getMores wouldn't do any waiting. // A merge-sort stage should satisfy both of these requirements. const pipeline = [{$sort: {x: 1}}]; const pipelineComment = 'example_pipeline_should_have_remote_op_wait'; { const explain = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline); assert(explain.shards, explain); assert.eq(2, Object.keys(explain.shards).length, explain); assert.eq(explain.splitPipeline.shardsPart, [{$sort: {sortKey: {x: 1}}}], explain); // The mergerPart will only have a $mergeCursors stage that merge-sorts the results from each // shard. assert.eq(1, explain.splitPipeline.mergerPart.length, tojson(explain)); assert(explain.splitPipeline.mergerPart[0].hasOwnProperty("$mergeCursors"), tojson(explain)); assert.eq({x: 1}, explain.splitPipeline.mergerPart[0]["$mergeCursors"]["sort"]); } // Set the slow query logging threshold (slowMS) to -1 to ensure every query gets logged. st.s.getDB('admin').setProfilingLevel(0, -1); function getRemoteOpWait(logLine) { const pattern = /remoteOpWaitMillis"?:([0-9]+)/; const match = logLine.match(pattern); assert(match, `pattern ${pattern} did not match line: ${logLine}`); const millis = parseInt(match[1]); assert.gte(millis, 0, match); return millis; } function getDuration(logLine) { const pattern = /durationMillis"?:([0-9]+)/; const match = logLine.match(pattern); assert(match, `pattern ${pattern} did not match line: ${logLine}`); const millis = parseInt(match[1]); assert.gte(millis, 0, match); return millis; } // Run the pipeline and check mongos for the log line. const cursor = coll.aggregate(pipeline, {comment: pipelineComment, batchSize: 1}); { const mongosLog = assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({getLog: "global"})); const line = findMatchingLogLine(mongosLog.log, {msg: "Slow query", comment: pipelineComment}); assert(line, 'Failed to find a log line matching the comment'); const remoteOpWait = getRemoteOpWait(line); const duration = getDuration(line); assert.lte(remoteOpWait, duration); } // Run a getMore and check again for the log line: .next() empties the current 1-document batch, and // .hasNext() fetches a new batch. cursor.next(); cursor.hasNext(); { const mongosLog = assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({getLog: "global"})); const lines = [...findMatchingLogLines(mongosLog.log, {msg: "Slow query", comment: pipelineComment})]; const line = lines.find(line => line.match(/command.{1,4}getMore/)); assert(line, 'Failed to find a getMore log line matching the comment'); const remoteOpWait = getRemoteOpWait(line); const duration = getDuration(line); assert.lte(remoteOpWait, duration); } // A changestream is a type of aggregation, so it reports remoteOpWait. The initial $changeStream // 'aggregate' command never pauses execution while awaiting data, and so we expect the remoteOpWait // time to be less than or equal to the total execution duration. const watchComment = 'example_watch_should_have_remote_op_wait'; const csCursor = coll.watch([], {comment: watchComment}); { const mongosLog = assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({getLog: "global"})); const line = findMatchingLogLine(mongosLog.log, {msg: "Slow query", comment: watchComment}); assert(line, "Failed to find a log line matching the comment"); const remoteOpWait = getRemoteOpWait(line); const duration = getDuration(line); assert.lte(remoteOpWait, duration); } // A $changeStream getMore may pause execution while awaiting data if no results are currently // available. In this case, it is possible for the total execution time to be less than the // remoteOpWait time. assert(!csCursor.hasNext()); { const mongosLog = assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({getLog: "global"})); const line = findMatchingLogLine( mongosLog.log, {msg: "Slow query", comment: watchComment, command: "getMore"}); assert(line, "Failed to find a log line matching the comment"); const remoteOpWait = getRemoteOpWait(line); const duration = getDuration(line); assert.lte(duration, 100); assert.gte(remoteOpWait, 900); } // An equivalent .find() does not include remoteOpWaitMillis. const findComment = 'example_find_should_not_have_remote_op_wait'; coll.find().sort({x: 1}).comment(findComment).next(); { const mongosLog = assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({getLog: "global"})); const lines = [...findMatchingLogLines(mongosLog.log, {msg: "Slow query", comment: findComment})]; const line = lines.find(line => line.match(/command.{1,4}find/)); assert(line, "Failed to find a 'find' log line matching the comment"); assert(!line.match(/remoteOpWait/), `Log line unexpectedly contained remoteOpWait: ${line}`); } // Other cursor-producing commands do not include remoteOpWaitMillis, such as listCollections. const listCollectionsComment = 'example_listCollections_should_not_have_remote_op_wait'; coll.runCommand({listCollections: 1, comment: listCollectionsComment}); { const mongosLog = assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({getLog: "global"})); const lines = [...findMatchingLogLines(mongosLog.log, {msg: "Slow query", comment: listCollectionsComment})]; const line = lines.find(line => line.match(/command.{1,4}listCollections/)); assert(line, "Failed to find a 'listCollections' log line matching the comment"); assert(!line.match(/remoteOpWait/), `Log line unexpectedly contained remoteOpWait: ${line}`); } // A query that merges on a shard logs remoteOpWaitMillis on the shard. const pipeline2 = [{$sort: {x: 1}}, {$group: {_id: "$y"}}]; const pipelineComment2 = 'example_pipeline2_should_have_remote_op_wait'; { const explain2 = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline2, {allowDiskUse: true}); assert.eq(explain2.mergeType, 'anyShard', explain2); } st.shard0.getDB('admin').setProfilingLevel(0, -1); st.shard1.getDB('admin').setProfilingLevel(0, -1); coll.aggregate(pipeline2, {allowDiskUse: true, comment: pipelineComment2}).next(); { const shard0Log = assert.commandWorked(st.shard0.adminCommand({getLog: "global"})); const shard1Log = assert.commandWorked(st.shard1.adminCommand({getLog: "global"})); const bothShardsLogLines = shard0Log.log.concat(shard1Log.log); const lines = [...findMatchingLogLines(bothShardsLogLines, {msg: "Slow query", comment: pipelineComment2})]; // The line we want is whichever had a $mergeCursors stage. const line = lines.find(line => line.match(/mergeCursors/)); assert(line, `Failed to find a log line mentioning 'mergeCursors': ${lines}`); const remoteOpWait = getRemoteOpWait(line); const duration = getDuration(line); assert.lte(remoteOpWait, duration); } st.stop(); })();