/** * Basic test that checks that mongos includes the cluster time metatadata in it's response. * This does not test cluster time propagation via the shell as there are many back channels * where the cluster time metadata can propagated, making it inherently racy. */ (function() { "use strict"; function assertHasClusterTimeAndOperationTime(res) { assert.hasFields(res, ['$clusterTime']); assert.hasFields(res.$clusterTime, ['clusterTime', 'signature']); } var st = new ShardingTest({shards: {rs0: {nodes: 3}}}); st.s.adminCommand({enableSharding: 'test'}); var db = st.s.getDB('test'); var res = db.runCommand({insert: 'user', documents: [{x: 10}]}); assert.commandWorked(res); assertHasClusterTimeAndOperationTime(res); res = db.runCommand({blah: 'blah'}); assert.commandFailed(res); assertHasClusterTimeAndOperationTime(res); res = db.runCommand({insert: "user", documents: [{x: 10}], writeConcern: {blah: "blah"}}); assert.commandFailed(res); assertHasClusterTimeAndOperationTime(res); res = st.rs0.getPrimary().adminCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1}); // Cluster time may advance after replSetGetStatus finishes executing and before its logical // time metadata is computed, in which case the response's $clusterTime will be greater than the // appliedOpTime timestamp in its body. Assert the timestamp is <= $clusterTime to account for // this. var appliedTime = res.optimes.appliedOpTime.ts; var logicalTimeMetadata = res.$clusterTime; assert.lte(timestampCmp(appliedTime, logicalTimeMetadata.clusterTime), 0, 'appliedTime: ' + tojson(appliedTime) + ' not less than or equal to clusterTime: ' + tojson(logicalTimeMetadata.clusterTime)); assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({ping: 1, '$clusterTime': logicalTimeMetadata})); db = st.rs0.getPrimary().getDB('testRS'); res = db.runCommand({insert: 'user', documents: [{x: 10}]}); assert.commandWorked(res); assertHasClusterTimeAndOperationTime(res); res = db.runCommand({blah: 'blah'}); assert.commandFailed(res); assertHasClusterTimeAndOperationTime(res); res = db.runCommand({insert: "user", documents: [{x: 10}], writeConcern: {blah: "blah"}}); assert.commandFailed(res); assertHasClusterTimeAndOperationTime(res); st.stop(); })();