// Tests the behavior of a $lookup when the mongos contains stale routing information for the // local and/or foreign collections. This includes when mongos thinks the collection is sharded // when it's not, and likewise when mongos thinks the collection is unsharded but is actually // sharded. (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/noPassthrough/libs/server_parameter_helpers.js"); // For setParameterOnAllHosts. load("jstests/libs/discover_topology.js"); // For findDataBearingNodes. const testName = "lookup_stale_mongos"; const st = new ShardingTest({ shards: 2, mongos: 2, }); setParameterOnAllHosts(DiscoverTopology.findNonConfigNodes(st.s0).concat([st.s1.host]), "internalQueryAllowShardedLookup", true); const mongos0DB = st.s0.getDB(testName); assert.commandWorked(mongos0DB.dropDatabase()); const mongos0LocalColl = mongos0DB[testName + "_local"]; const mongos0ForeignColl = mongos0DB[testName + "_foreign"]; const mongos1DB = st.s1.getDB(testName); const mongos1LocalColl = mongos1DB[testName + "_local"]; const mongos1ForeignColl = mongos1DB[testName + "_foreign"]; const pipeline = [ { $lookup: {localField: "a", foreignField: "b", from: mongos1ForeignColl.getName(), as: "same"} }, {$sort: {_id: 1}} ]; const expectedResults = [ {_id: 0, a: 1, "same": [{_id: 0, b: 1}]}, {_id: 1, a: null, "same": [{_id: 1, b: null}, {_id: 2}]}, {_id: 2, "same": [{_id: 1, b: null}, {_id: 2}]} ]; // Ensure that shard0 is the primary shard. assert.commandWorked(mongos0DB.adminCommand({enableSharding: mongos0DB.getName()})); st.ensurePrimaryShard(mongos0DB.getName(), st.shard0.shardName); assert.writeOK(mongos0LocalColl.insert({_id: 0, a: 1})); assert.writeOK(mongos0LocalColl.insert({_id: 1, a: null})); assert.writeOK(mongos0ForeignColl.insert({_id: 0, b: 1})); assert.writeOK(mongos0ForeignColl.insert({_id: 1, b: null})); // Send writes through mongos1 such that it's aware of the collections and believes they are // unsharded. assert.writeOK(mongos1LocalColl.insert({_id: 2})); assert.writeOK(mongos1ForeignColl.insert({_id: 2})); // // Test unsharded local and sharded foreign collections, with mongos unaware that the foreign // collection is sharded. // // Shard the foreign collection through mongos0. assert.commandWorked( mongos0DB.adminCommand({shardCollection: mongos0ForeignColl.getFullName(), key: {_id: 1}})); // Split the collection into 2 chunks: [MinKey, 1), [1, MaxKey). assert.commandWorked( mongos0DB.adminCommand({split: mongos0ForeignColl.getFullName(), middle: {_id: 1}})); // Move the [minKey, 1) chunk to shard1. assert.commandWorked(mongos0DB.adminCommand({ moveChunk: mongos0ForeignColl.getFullName(), find: {_id: 0}, to: st.shard1.shardName, _waitForDelete: true })); // Issue a $lookup through mongos1, which is unaware that the foreign collection is sharded. assert.eq(mongos1LocalColl.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(), expectedResults); // // Test sharded local and sharded foreign collections, with mongos unaware that the local // collection is sharded. // // Shard the local collection through mongos0. assert.commandWorked( mongos0DB.adminCommand({shardCollection: mongos0LocalColl.getFullName(), key: {_id: 1}})); // Split the collection into 2 chunks: [MinKey, 1), [1, MaxKey). assert.commandWorked( mongos0DB.adminCommand({split: mongos0LocalColl.getFullName(), middle: {_id: 1}})); // Move the [minKey, 1) chunk to shard1. assert.commandWorked(mongos0DB.adminCommand({ moveChunk: mongos0LocalColl.getFullName(), find: {_id: 0}, to: st.shard1.shardName, _waitForDelete: true })); // Issue a $lookup through mongos1, which is unaware that the local collection is sharded. assert.eq(mongos1LocalColl.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(), expectedResults); // // Test sharded local and unsharded foreign collections, with mongos unaware that the foreign // collection is unsharded. // // Recreate the foreign collection as unsharded through mongos0. mongos0ForeignColl.drop(); assert.writeOK(mongos0ForeignColl.insert({_id: 0, b: 1})); assert.writeOK(mongos0ForeignColl.insert({_id: 1, b: null})); assert.writeOK(mongos0ForeignColl.insert({_id: 2})); // Issue a $lookup through mongos1, which is unaware that the foreign collection is now // unsharded. assert.eq(mongos1LocalColl.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(), expectedResults); // // Test unsharded local and foreign collections, with mongos unaware that the local // collection is unsharded. // // Recreate the local collection as unsharded through mongos0. mongos0LocalColl.drop(); assert.writeOK(mongos0LocalColl.insert({_id: 0, a: 1})); assert.writeOK(mongos0LocalColl.insert({_id: 1, a: null})); assert.writeOK(mongos0LocalColl.insert({_id: 2})); // Issue a $lookup through mongos1, which is unaware that the local collection is now // unsharded. assert.eq(mongos1LocalColl.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(), expectedResults); st.stop(); })();