// Tests that the $merge stage enforces that the "on" fields argument can be used to uniquely // identify documents by checking that there is a supporting unique, non-partial, // collator-compatible index in the index catalog. This is meant to test sharding-related // configurations that are not covered by the aggregation passthrough suites. (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/aggregation/extras/utils.js"); // For assertErrorCode. load("jstests/aggregation/extras/merge_helpers.js"); // For withEachMergeMode, // assertMergeFailsWithoutUniqueIndex, // assertMergeSucceedsWithExpectedUniqueIndex. const st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2, rs: {nodes: 1}}); const mongosDB = st.s0.getDB("merge_requires_unique_index"); const foreignDB = st.s0.getDB("merge_requires_unique_index_foreign"); const sourceColl = mongosDB.source; let targetColl = mongosDB.target; sourceColl.drop(); // Enable sharding on the test DB and ensure that shard0 is the primary. assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.adminCommand({enableSharding: mongosDB.getName()})); st.ensurePrimaryShard(mongosDB.getName(), st.rs0.getURL()); // Enable sharding on the foreign DB, except ensure that shard1 is the primary shard. assert.commandWorked(foreignDB.adminCommand({enableSharding: foreignDB.getName()})); st.ensurePrimaryShard(foreignDB.getName(), st.rs1.getURL()); // Increase the log verbosity for sharding, in the hope of getting a clearer picture of the // cluster writer as part of BF-11106. This should be removed once BF-11106 is fixed. st.shard0.getDB("admin").setLogLevel(4, 'sharding'); st.shard1.getDB("admin").setLogLevel(4, 'sharding'); function resetTargetColl(shardKey, split) { targetColl.drop(); // Shard the target collection, and set the unique flag to ensure that there's a unique // index on the shard key. assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.adminCommand( {shardCollection: targetColl.getFullName(), key: shardKey, unique: true})); assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.adminCommand({split: targetColl.getFullName(), middle: split})); assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.adminCommand( {moveChunk: targetColl.getFullName(), find: split, to: st.rs1.getURL()})); } function runOnFieldsTests(targetShardKey, targetSplit) { jsTestLog("Running unique key tests for target shard key " + tojson(targetShardKey)); resetTargetColl(targetShardKey, targetSplit); // Not specifying "on" fields should always pass. assertMergeSucceedsWithExpectedUniqueIndex({source: sourceColl, target: targetColl}); // Since the target collection is sharded with a unique shard key, specifying "on" fields // that is equal to the shard key should be valid. assertMergeSucceedsWithExpectedUniqueIndex( {source: sourceColl, target: targetColl, onFields: Object.keys(targetShardKey)}); // Create a compound "on" fields consisting of the shard key and one additional field. let prefixPipeline = [{$addFields: {newField: 1}}]; const indexSpec = Object.merge(targetShardKey, {newField: 1}); // Expect the $merge to fail since we haven't created a unique index on the compound // "on" fields. assertMergeFailsWithoutUniqueIndex({ source: sourceColl, onFields: Object.keys(indexSpec), target: targetColl, prevStages: prefixPipeline }); // Create the unique index and verify that the "on" fields is now valid. assert.commandWorked(targetColl.createIndex(indexSpec, {unique: true})); assertMergeSucceedsWithExpectedUniqueIndex({ source: sourceColl, target: targetColl, onFields: Object.keys(indexSpec), prevStages: prefixPipeline }); // Create a non-unique index and make sure that doesn't work. assert.commandWorked(targetColl.dropIndex(indexSpec)); assert.commandWorked(targetColl.createIndex(indexSpec)); assertMergeFailsWithoutUniqueIndex({ source: sourceColl, onFields: Object.keys(indexSpec), target: targetColl, prevStages: prefixPipeline }); // Test that a unique, partial index on the "on" fields cannot be used to satisfy the // requirement. resetTargetColl(targetShardKey, targetSplit); assert.commandWorked( targetColl.createIndex(indexSpec, {unique: true, partialFilterExpression: {a: {$gte: 2}}})); assertMergeFailsWithoutUniqueIndex({ source: sourceColl, onFields: Object.keys(indexSpec), target: targetColl, prevStages: prefixPipeline }); // Test that a unique index on the "on" fields cannot be used to satisfy the requirement if // it has a different collation. resetTargetColl(targetShardKey, targetSplit); assert.commandWorked( targetColl.createIndex(indexSpec, {unique: true, collation: {locale: "en_US"}})); assertMergeFailsWithoutUniqueIndex({ source: sourceColl, onFields: Object.keys(indexSpec), target: targetColl, prevStages: prefixPipeline }); assertMergeFailsWithoutUniqueIndex({ source: sourceColl, onFields: Object.keys(indexSpec), target: targetColl, options: {collation: {locale: "en"}}, prevStages: prefixPipeline }); assertMergeFailsWithoutUniqueIndex({ source: sourceColl, onFields: Object.keys(indexSpec), target: targetColl, options: {collation: {locale: "simple"}}, prevStages: prefixPipeline }); assertMergeFailsWithoutUniqueIndex({ source: sourceColl, onFields: Object.keys(indexSpec), target: targetColl, options: {collation: {locale: "en_US", strength: 1}}, prevStages: prefixPipeline }); assertMergeSucceedsWithExpectedUniqueIndex({ source: sourceColl, target: targetColl, onFields: Object.keys(indexSpec), options: {collation: {locale: "en_US"}}, prevStages: prefixPipeline }); // Test that a unique index with dotted field names can be used. resetTargetColl(targetShardKey, targetSplit); const dottedPathIndexSpec = Object.merge(targetShardKey, {"newField.subField": 1}); assert.commandWorked(targetColl.createIndex(dottedPathIndexSpec, {unique: true})); // No longer a supporting index on the original compound "on" fields. assertMergeFailsWithoutUniqueIndex({ source: sourceColl, onFields: Object.keys(indexSpec), target: targetColl, prevStages: prefixPipeline }); // Test that an embedded object matching the "on" fields is valid. prefixPipeline = [{$addFields: {"newField.subField": 5}}]; assertMergeSucceedsWithExpectedUniqueIndex({ source: sourceColl, target: targetColl, onFields: Object.keys(dottedPathIndexSpec), prevStages: prefixPipeline }); // Test that we cannot use arrays with a dotted path within a $merge. resetTargetColl(targetShardKey, targetSplit); assert.commandWorked(targetColl.createIndex(dottedPathIndexSpec, {unique: true})); withEachMergeMode(({whenMatchedMode, whenNotMatchedMode}) => { assertErrorCode(sourceColl, [ { $replaceRoot: { newRoot: {$mergeObjects: ["$$ROOT", {newField: [{subField: 1}]}]} } }, { $merge: { into: { db: targetColl.getDB().getName(), coll: targetColl.getName(), }, whenMatched: whenMatchedMode, whenNotMatched: whenNotMatchedMode, on: Object.keys(dottedPathIndexSpec) } } ], 51132); }); // Test that a unique index that is multikey can still be used. resetTargetColl(targetShardKey, targetSplit); assert.commandWorked(targetColl.createIndex(dottedPathIndexSpec, {unique: true})); assert.commandWorked(targetColl.insert( Object.merge(targetShardKey, {newField: [{subField: "hi"}, {subField: "hello"}]}))); assert.commandWorked(sourceColl.update( {}, {$set: {newField: {subField: "hi"}, proofOfUpdate: "PROOF"}}, {multi: true})); // If whenMatched is "replace" and whenNotMatched is "insert", expect the command to // fail if the "on" fields does not contain _id, since a replacement-style update will fail // if attempting to modify _id. if (dottedPathIndexSpec.hasOwnProperty("_id")) { assert.doesNotThrow(() => sourceColl.aggregate([{ $merge: { into: { db: targetColl.getDB().getName(), coll: targetColl.getName(), }, whenMatched: "replace", whenNotMatched: "insert", on: Object.keys(dottedPathIndexSpec) } }])); assert.docEq(targetColl.findOne({"newField.subField": "hi", proofOfUpdate: "PROOF"}, {"newField.subField": 1, proofOfUpdate: 1, _id: 0}), {newField: {subField: "hi"}, proofOfUpdate: "PROOF"}); } else { assertErrCodeAndErrMsgContains(sourceColl, [{ $merge: { into: { db: targetColl.getDB().getName(), coll: targetColl.getName(), }, whenMatched: "replace", whenNotMatched: "insert", on: Object.keys(dottedPathIndexSpec) } }], ErrorCodes.ImmutableField, "did you attempt to modify the _id or the shard key?"); assert.doesNotThrow(() => sourceColl.aggregate([ {$project: {_id: 0}}, { $merge: { into: { db: targetColl.getDB().getName(), coll: targetColl.getName(), }, whenMatched: "replace", whenNotMatched: "insert", on: Object.keys(dottedPathIndexSpec) } } ])); assert.docEq(targetColl.findOne({"newField.subField": "hi", proofOfUpdate: "PROOF"}, {"newField.subField": 1, proofOfUpdate: 1, _id: 0}), {newField: {subField: "hi"}, proofOfUpdate: "PROOF"}); } } function testAgainstDB(targetDB) { targetColl = targetDB["target"]; targetColl.drop(); // // Test unsharded source and sharded target collections. // let targetShardKey = {_id: 1, a: 1, b: 1}; let splitPoint = {_id: 0, a: 0, b: 0}; sourceColl.drop(); assert.commandWorked(sourceColl.insert([{a: 0, b: 0}, {a: 1, b: 1}])); runOnFieldsTests(targetShardKey, splitPoint); // Test with a shard key that does *not* include _id. targetShardKey = {a: 1, b: 1}; splitPoint = {a: 0, b: 0}; runOnFieldsTests(targetShardKey, splitPoint); // // Test both source and target collections as sharded. // targetShardKey = {_id: 1, a: 1, b: 1}; splitPoint = {_id: 0, a: 0, b: 0}; sourceColl.drop(); st.shardColl(sourceColl.getName(), {a: 1}, {a: 0}, {a: 1}, mongosDB.getName()); assert.commandWorked(sourceColl.insert([{a: 0, b: 0}, {a: 1, b: 1}])); runOnFieldsTests(targetShardKey, splitPoint); // Re-run the test with a shard key that does *not* include _id. targetShardKey = {a: 1, b: 1}; splitPoint = {a: 0, b: 0}; runOnFieldsTests(targetShardKey, splitPoint); } // First test $merge to the same database as the source. testAgainstDB(mongosDB); // Then test against a foreign database, with the same expected behavior. testAgainstDB(foreignDB); st.stop(); })();