s = new ShardingTest( "migrateMemory" , 2 , 1 , 1 , { chunksize : 1 }); s.config.settings.update( { _id: "balancer" }, { $set : { stopped: true } } , true ); s.adminCommand( { enablesharding : "test" } ); s.adminCommand( { shardcollection : "test.foo" , key : { _id : 1 } } ); db = s.getDB( "test" ) t = db.foo str = "" while ( str.length < 10000 ){ str += "asdasdsdasdasdasdas"; } data = 0; num = 0; while ( data < ( 1024 * 1024 * 10 ) ){ t.insert( { _id : num++ , s : str } ) data += str.length } db.getLastError() stats = s.chunkCounts( "foo" ) from = "" to = "" for ( x in stats ){ if ( stats[x] == 0 ) to = x else from = x } s.config.chunks.find().sort( { min : 1 } ).forEach( printjsononeline ) print( "from: " + from + " to: " + to ) printjson( stats ) ss = [] // Stop balancer for manual move s.stopBalancer() for ( var f = 0; f= 0 ) continue printjson( e ) throw e } break; } } // Re-enable balancer s.setBalancer( true ) for ( i=0; i