/* * Ensures that error is reported when overlappping range is submitted for deletion. */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/uuid_util.js"); const dbName = "test"; const collName = "foo"; const ns = dbName + "." + collName; // Create 2 shards with 3 replicas each. let st = new ShardingTest({shards: {rs0: {nodes: 3}, rs1: {nodes: 3}}}); (() => { jsTestLog("Test simple shard key"); // Create a sharded collection with one chunk and a single-field shard key. assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({enableSharding: dbName})); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({movePrimary: dbName, to: st.shard0.shardName})); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({shardCollection: ns, key: {x: 1}})); // Pause range deletion on shard0. let suspendRangeDeletionFailpoint = configureFailPoint(st.shard0, "suspendRangeDeletion"); // Move the only chunk from shard0 to shard1. This will leave orphans on shard0 since we paused // range deletion. assert.commandWorked( st.s.adminCommand({moveChunk: ns, find: {x: 50}, to: st.shard1.shardName})); // Move the only chunk back to shard0 and expect timeout failure, since range deletion was // paused and there are orphans on shard0. assert.commandFailedWithCode( st.s.adminCommand({moveChunk: ns, find: {x: 50}, to: st.shard0.shardName, maxTimeMS: 5000}), ErrorCodes.MaxTimeMSExpired); suspendRangeDeletionFailpoint.off(); st.s.getCollection(ns).drop(); })(); (() => { jsTestLog("Test hashed shard key"); // Create a sharded collection with one chunk and a hashed shard key. assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({enableSharding: dbName})); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({movePrimary: dbName, to: st.shard0.shardName})); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({shardCollection: ns, key: {x: 'hashed'}})); // Pause range deletion on shard0. let suspendRangeDeletionFailpoint = configureFailPoint(st.shard0, "suspendRangeDeletion"); // Move the only chunk from shard0 to shard1. This will leave orphans on shard0 since we paused // range deletion. assert.commandWorked( st.s.adminCommand({moveChunk: ns, find: {x: 50}, to: st.shard1.shardName})); // Move the only chunk back to shard0 and expect timeout failure, since range deletion was // paused and there are orphans on shard0. assert.commandFailedWithCode( st.s.adminCommand({moveChunk: ns, find: {x: 50}, to: st.shard0.shardName, maxTimeMS: 5000}), ErrorCodes.MaxTimeMSExpired); suspendRangeDeletionFailpoint.off(); st.s.getCollection(ns).drop(); })(); (() => { jsTestLog("Test compound shard key"); // Create a sharded collection with one chunk and a compound shard key. assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({enableSharding: dbName})); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({movePrimary: dbName, to: st.shard0.shardName})); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({shardCollection: ns, key: {x: 1, y: 1}})); // Pause range deletion on shard0. let suspendRangeDeletionFailpoint = configureFailPoint(st.shard0, "suspendRangeDeletion"); // Move the only chunk from shard0 to shard1. This will leave orphans on shard0 since we paused // range deletion. assert.commandWorked( st.s.adminCommand({moveChunk: ns, find: {x: 50, y: 50}, to: st.shard1.shardName})); // Move the only chunk back to shard0 and expect timeout failure, since range deletion was // paused and there are orphans on shard0. assert.commandFailedWithCode( st.s.adminCommand( {moveChunk: ns, find: {x: 50, y: 50}, to: st.shard0.shardName, maxTimeMS: 5000}), ErrorCodes.MaxTimeMSExpired); suspendRangeDeletionFailpoint.off(); st.s.getCollection(ns).drop(); })(); st.stop(); })();