// // Tests whether the fromMigrate flag is correctly set during migrations. // // Tests: // #1 (delete op) fromMigrate is set when recipient shard deletes all documents locally // in the chunk range it is about to receive from the donor shard. // #2 (delete op) fromMigrate is set when the donor shard deletes documents that have // been migrated to another shard. // #3 (insert op) fromMigrate is set when the recipient shard receives chunk migration // data and inserts it. // #4 (update op) fromMigrate is set when an update occurs in the donor shard during // migration and is sent to the recipient via the transfer logs. // #5 fromMigrate is NOT set on donor shard and IS set on the recipient shard when real // delete op is done during chunk migration within the chunk range. // load('./jstests/libs/chunk_manipulation_util.js'); (function() { "use strict"; var staticMongod = MongoRunner.runMongod({}); // For startParallelOps. var st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2, mongos: 1, rs: {nodes: 1}}); const dbName = "testDB"; const ns = dbName + ".foo"; let mongos = st.s0; let admin = mongos.getDB('admin'); let coll = mongos.getCollection(ns); let donor = st.shard0; let recipient = st.shard1; let donorColl = donor.getCollection(ns); let recipientColl = recipient.getCollection(ns); let donorLocal = donor.getDB('local'); let recipientLocal = recipient.getDB('local'); // Two chunks // Donor: [0, 2) [2, 5) // Recipient: jsTest.log('Enable sharding of the collection and split into two chunks....'); assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({enableSharding: dbName})); st.ensurePrimaryShard(dbName, st.shard0.shardName); assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({shardCollection: ns, key: {_id: 1}})); assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({split: ns, middle: {_id: 2}})); // 6 documents, // donor: 2 in the first chunk, 3 in the second. // recipient: 1 document (shardkey overlaps with a doc in second chunk of donor shard) jsTest.log('Inserting 5 docs into donor shard, ensuring one orphan on the recipient shard....'); // Insert just one document into the collection and fail a migration after the cloning step in // order to get an orphan onto the recipient shard with the correct UUID for the collection. assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({_id: 2})); assert.eq(1, donorColl.count()); assert.commandWorked( recipient.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: "failMigrationOnRecipient", mode: "alwaysOn"})); assert.commandFailed( admin.runCommand({moveChunk: coll.getFullName(), find: {_id: 2}, to: st.shard1.shardName})); assert.commandWorked( recipient.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: "failMigrationOnRecipient", mode: "off"})); // Insert the remaining documents into the collection. assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({_id: 0})); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({_id: 1})); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({_id: 3})); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({_id: 4})); assert.eq(5, donorColl.count()); /** * Set failpoint: recipient will pause migration after cloning chunk data from donor, * before checking transfer mods log on donor. */ jsTest.log('setting recipient failpoint cloned'); pauseMigrateAtStep(recipient, migrateStepNames.cloned); /** * Start moving chunk [2, 5) from donor shard to recipient shard, run in the background. */ // Donor: [0, 2) // Recipient: [2, 5) jsTest.log('Starting chunk migration, pause after cloning...'); var joinMoveChunk = moveChunkParallel( staticMongod, st.s0.host, {_id: 2}, null, coll.getFullName(), st.shard1.shardName); /** * Wait for recipient to finish cloning. * THEN update 1 document {_id: 3} on donor within the currently migrating chunk. * AND delete 1 document {_id: 4} on donor within the currently migrating chunk. */ waitForMigrateStep(recipient, migrateStepNames.cloned); jsTest.log('Update 1 doc and delete 1 doc on donor within the currently migrating chunk...'); assert.commandWorked(coll.update({_id: 3}, {_id: 3, a: "updated doc"})); assert.commandWorked(coll.remove({_id: 4})); /** * Finish migration. Unpause recipient migration, wait for it to collect * the transfer mods log from donor and finish migration. */ jsTest.log('Continuing and finishing migration...'); unpauseMigrateAtStep(recipient, migrateStepNames.cloned); joinMoveChunk(); /** * Check documents are where they should be: 2 docs in donor chunk, 2 docs in recipient chunk * (because third doc in recipient shard's chunk got deleted on the donor shard during * migration). */ jsTest.log('Checking that documents are on the shards they should be...'); assert.eq(2, recipientColl.count(), "Recipient shard doesn't have exactly 2 documents!"); assert.eq(2, donorColl.count(), "Donor shard doesn't have exactly 2 documents!"); assert.eq(4, coll.count(), "Collection total is not 4!"); /** * Check that the fromMigrate flag has been set correctly in donor and recipient oplogs, */ jsTest.log('Checking donor and recipient oplogs for correct fromMigrate flags...'); function assertEqAndDumpOpLog(expected, actual, msg) { if (expected === actual) return; print('Dumping oplog contents for', ns); print('On donor:'); print(tojson(donorLocal.oplog.rs.find({ns: ns}).toArray())); print('On recipient:'); print(tojson(recipientLocal.oplog.rs.find({ns: ns}).toArray())); assert.eq(expected, actual, msg); } var donorOplogRes = donorLocal.oplog.rs.find({op: 'd', fromMigrate: true, 'o._id': 2}).count(); assertEqAndDumpOpLog(1, donorOplogRes, "fromMigrate flag wasn't set on the donor shard's oplog for " + "migrating delete op on {_id: 2}! Test #2 failed."); donorOplogRes = donorLocal.oplog.rs.find({op: 'd', fromMigrate: {$exists: false}, 'o._id': 4}).count(); if (!donorOplogRes) { // Validate this is a batched delete, which generates one applyOps entry instead of a 'd' entry. donorOplogRes = donorLocal.oplog.rs .find({ ns: 'admin.$cmd', op: 'c', 'o.applyOps': {$elemMatch: {op: 'd', 'o._id': 4, fromMigrate: {$exists: false}}} }) .count(); } assertEqAndDumpOpLog(1, donorOplogRes, "Real delete of {_id: 4} on donor shard incorrectly set the " + "fromMigrate flag in the oplog! Test #5 failed."); // Expect to see two oplog entries for {_id: 2} with 'fromMigrate: true' because this doc was // cloned as part of the first failed migration as well as the second successful migration. var recipientOplogRes = recipientLocal.oplog.rs.find({op: 'i', fromMigrate: true, 'o._id': 2}).count(); assertEqAndDumpOpLog(2, recipientOplogRes, "fromMigrate flag wasn't set on the recipient shard's " + "oplog for migrating insert op on {_id: 2}! Test #3 failed."); recipientOplogRes = recipientLocal.oplog.rs.find({op: 'd', fromMigrate: true, 'o._id': 2}).count(); assertEqAndDumpOpLog(1, recipientOplogRes, "fromMigrate flag wasn't set on the recipient shard's " + "oplog for delete op on the old {_id: 2} that overlapped " + "with the chunk about to be copied! Test #1 failed."); recipientOplogRes = recipientLocal.oplog.rs.find({op: 'u', fromMigrate: true, 'o._id': 3}).count(); assertEqAndDumpOpLog(1, recipientOplogRes, "fromMigrate flag wasn't set on the recipient shard's " + "oplog for update op on {_id: 3}! Test #4 failed."); recipientOplogRes = recipientLocal.oplog.rs.find({op: 'd', fromMigrate: true, 'o._id': 4}).count(); assertEqAndDumpOpLog(1, recipientOplogRes, "fromMigrate flag wasn't set on the recipient shard's " + "oplog for delete op on {_id: 4} that occurred during " + "migration! Test #5 failed."); st.stop(); MongoRunner.stopMongod(staticMongod); })();