/** * Test that a mongos-only aggregation pipeline is explainable, and that the resulting explain plan * confirms that the pipeline ran entirely on mongoS. */ (function() { "use strict"; const st = new ShardingTest({name: "mongos_comment_test", mongos: 1, shards: 1}); const mongosConn = st.s; const stageSpec = { "$listLocalSessions": {allUsers: false, users: [{user: "nobody", db: "nothing"}]} }; // Use the test stage to create a pipeline that runs exclusively on mongoS. const mongosOnlyPipeline = [stageSpec, {$match: {dummyField: 1}}]; // We expect the explain output to reflect the stage's spec. const expectedExplainStages = [stageSpec, {$match: {dummyField: {$eq: 1}}}]; // Test that the mongoS-only pipeline is explainable. const explainPlan = assert.commandWorked(mongosConn.getDB("admin").runCommand( {aggregate: 1, pipeline: mongosOnlyPipeline, explain: true})); // We expect the stages to appear under the 'mongos' heading, for 'splitPipeline' to be // null, and for the 'mongos.host' field to be the hostname:port of the mongoS itself. assert.docEq(explainPlan.mongos.stages, expectedExplainStages); assert.eq(explainPlan.mongos.host, mongosConn.name); assert.isnull(explainPlan.splitPipeline); st.stop(); })();