// Tests that mongos and the shard discover changes to the shard's replica set membership. load("jstests/replsets/rslib.js"); (function() { 'use strict'; var five_minutes = 5 * 60 * 1000; var numRSHosts = function() { var result = assert.commandWorked(rsObj.nodes[0].adminCommand({ismaster: 1})); return result.hosts.length + result.passives.length; }; var numMongosHosts = function() { var commandResult = assert.commandWorked(mongos.adminCommand("connPoolStats")); var result = commandResult.replicaSets[rsObj.name]; return result.hosts.length; }; var configServerURL = function() { var result = config.shards.find().toArray()[0]; return result.host; }; var checkNumHosts = function(expectedNumHosts) { jsTest.log("Waiting for the shard to discover that it now has " + expectedNumHosts + " hosts."); var numHostsSeenByShard; // Use a high timeout (5 minutes) because replica set refreshes are only done every 30 // seconds. assert.soon( function() { numHostsSeenByShard = numRSHosts(); return numHostsSeenByShard === expectedNumHosts; }, function() { return ("Expected shard to see " + expectedNumHosts + " hosts but found " + numHostsSeenByShard); }, five_minutes); jsTest.log("Waiting for the mongos to discover that the shard now has " + expectedNumHosts + " hosts."); var numHostsSeenByMongos; // Use a high timeout (5 minutes) because replica set refreshes are only done every 30 // seconds. assert.soon( function() { numHostsSeenByMongos = numMongosHosts(); return numHostsSeenByMongos === expectedNumHosts; }, function() { return ("Expected mongos to see " + expectedNumHosts + " hosts on shard but found " + numHostsSeenByMongos); }, five_minutes); }; var st = new ShardingTest({ name: 'mongos_no_replica_set_refresh', shards: 1, mongos: 1, other: { rs0: { nodes: [ {}, {rsConfig: {priority: 0}}, {rsConfig: {priority: 0}}, ], } } }); var rsObj = st.rs0; assert.commandWorked(rsObj.nodes[0].adminCommand({ replSetTest: 1, waitForMemberState: ReplSetTest.State.PRIMARY, timeoutMillis: 60 * 1000, }), 'node 0 ' + rsObj.nodes[0].host + ' failed to become primary'); var mongos = st.s; var config = mongos.getDB("config"); printjson(mongos.getCollection("foo.bar").findOne()); jsTestLog("Removing a node from the shard's replica set."); var rsConfig = rsObj.getReplSetConfigFromNode(0); var removedNode = rsConfig.members.pop(); rsConfig.version++; reconfig(rsObj, rsConfig); // Wait for the election round to complete rsObj.getPrimary(); checkNumHosts(rsConfig.members.length); jsTest.log("Waiting for config.shards to reflect that " + removedNode.host + " has been removed."); assert.soon( function() { return configServerURL().indexOf(removedNode.host) < 0; }, function() { return (removedNode.host + " was removed from " + rsObj.name + ", but is still seen in config.shards"); }); jsTestLog("Adding the node back to the shard's replica set."); config.shards.update({_id: rsObj.name}, {$set: {host: rsObj.name + "/" + rsObj.nodes[0].host}}); printjson(config.shards.find().toArray()); rsConfig.members.push(removedNode); rsConfig.version++; reconfig(rsObj, rsConfig); checkNumHosts(rsConfig.members.length); jsTest.log("Waiting for config.shards to reflect that " + removedNode.host + " has been re-added."); assert.soon( function() { return configServerURL().indexOf(removedNode.host) >= 0; }, function() { return (removedNode.host + " was re-added to " + rsObj.name + ", but is not seen in config.shards"); }); st.stop(); }());