// Tests that mongos will wait for CSRS replica set to initiate. var configRS = new ReplSetTest({name: "configRS", nodes: 1, useHostName: true}); configRS.startSet({configsvr: '', journal: "", storageEngine: 'wiredTiger'}); var replConfig = configRS.getReplSetConfig(); replConfig.configsvr = true; var mongos = MongoRunner.runMongos({configdb: configRS.getURL(), waitForConnect: false}); assert.throws(function() { new Mongo(mongos.host); }); jsTestLog("Initiating CSRS"); configRS.initiate(replConfig); // Ensure the featureCompatibilityVersion is 3.4 so that the mongos can connect if it is version // 3.4. assert.commandWorked(configRS.getPrimary().adminCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "3.4"})); jsTestLog("getting mongos"); var e; assert.soon( function() { try { mongos2 = new Mongo(mongos.host); return true; } catch (ex) { e = ex; return false; } }, function() { return "mongos " + mongos.host + " did not begin accepting connections in time; final exception: " + tojson(e); }); jsTestLog("got mongos"); assert.commandWorked(mongos2.getDB('admin').runCommand('serverStatus'));