(function() { var s = new ShardingTest({name: "movePrimary1", shards: 2}); initDB = function(name) { var db = s.getDB(name); var c = db.foo; c.save({a: 1}); c.save({a: 2}); c.save({a: 3}); assert.eq(3, c.count()); assert.commandWorked( db.runCommand({create: "view", viewOn: "foo", pipeline: [{$match: {a: 3}}]})); return s.getPrimaryShard(name); }; from = initDB("test1"); to = s.getOther(from); assert.eq(3, from.getDB("test1").foo.count(), "from doesn't have data before move"); assert.eq(0, to.getDB("test1").foo.count(), "to has data before move"); assert.eq(1, s.s.getDB("test1").view.count(), "count on view incorrect before move"); assert.eq(s.normalize(s.config.databases.findOne({_id: "test1"}).primary), s.normalize(from.name), "not in db correctly to start"); s.printShardingStatus(); oldShardName = s.config.databases.findOne({_id: "test1"}).primary; s.admin.runCommand({moveprimary: "test1", to: to.name}); s.printShardingStatus(); assert.eq(s.normalize(s.config.databases.findOne({_id: "test1"}).primary), s.normalize(to.name), "to in config db didn't change after first move"); assert.eq(0, from.getDB("test1").foo.count(), "from still has data after move"); assert.eq(3, to.getDB("test1").foo.count(), "to doesn't have data after move"); assert.eq(1, s.s.getDB("test1").view.count(), "count on view incorrect after move"); // move back, now using shard name instead of server address s.admin.runCommand({moveprimary: "test1", to: oldShardName}); s.printShardingStatus(); assert.eq(s.normalize(s.config.databases.findOne({_id: "test1"}).primary), oldShardName, "to in config db didn't change after second move"); assert.eq(3, from.getDB("test1").foo.count(), "from doesn't have data after move back"); assert.eq(0, to.getDB("test1").foo.count(), "to has data after move back"); assert.eq(1, s.s.getDB("test1").view.count(), "count on view incorrect after move back"); // attempting to move primary DB to non-existent shard should error out with appropriate code var res = s.admin.runCommand({movePrimary: 'test1', to: 'dontexist'}); assert.commandFailed(res, 'attempting to use non-existent shard as primary should error out'); // ErrorCodes::ShardNotFound === 70 assert.eq(res.code, 70, 'ShardNotFound code not used'); s.stop(); })();