/** * This commands tests that moveChunk gives a proper response when the writeConcern cannot be met. * The test creates a sharded cluster with shards and config servers of different sizes to see how * moveChunk commands react as the writeConcern changes. It first sees that a writeConcern too high * for the config server replicaset succeeds because moveChunk passes w: majority to config servers. * It then passes a writeConcern too high for the to shard and sees that it fails. It then passes * a writeConcern too high for the from shard and sees that that fails. moveChunk does not yield * a writeConcernError. It should simply fail when the writeConcern is not met on the shards. * * This test is labeled resource intensive because its total io_write is 617MB compared to a median * of 135MB across all sharding tests in mmapv1. * @tags: [resource_intensive] */ load('jstests/libs/write_concern_util.js'); (function() { "use strict"; var st = new ShardingTest({ shards: { rs0: {nodes: 3, settings: {chainingAllowed: false}}, rs1: {nodes: 5, settings: {chainingAllowed: false}} }, mongos: 1, config: 1, configReplSetTestOptions: {settings: {chainingAllowed: false}} }); var mongos = st.s; var dbName = "move-chunk-wc-test"; var db = mongos.getDB(dbName); var collName = 'leaves'; var coll = db[collName]; var numberDoc = 20; var s0 = st.shard0.shardName; var s1 = st.shard1.shardName; coll.ensureIndex({x: 1}, {unique: true}); st.ensurePrimaryShard(db.toString(), s0); st.shardColl(collName, {x: 1}, {x: numberDoc / 2}, {x: numberDoc / 2}, db.toString(), true); for (var i = 0; i < numberDoc; i++) { coll.insert({x: i}); } assert.eq(coll.count(), numberDoc); // Checks that each shard has the expected number of chunks. function checkChunkCount(s0Count, s1Count) { var chunkCounts = st.chunkCounts(collName, db.toString()); assert.eq(chunkCounts[s0], s0Count); assert.eq(chunkCounts[s1], s1Count); } checkChunkCount(1, 1); var req = { moveChunk: coll.toString(), find: {x: numberDoc / 2}, to: s0, _secondaryThrottle: true, _waitForDelete: true }; req.writeConcern = {w: 1, wtimeout: 30000}; jsTest.log("Testing " + tojson(req)); var res = db.adminCommand(req); assert.commandWorked(res); assert(!res.writeConcernError, 'moveChunk had writeConcernError: ' + tojson(res)); checkChunkCount(2, 0); // This should pass because w: majority is always passed to config servers. req.writeConcern = {w: 2, wtimeout: 30000}; jsTest.log("Testing " + tojson(req)); req.to = s1; res = db.adminCommand(req); assert.commandWorked(res); assert(!res.writeConcernError, 'moveChunk had writeConcernError: ' + tojson(res)); checkChunkCount(1, 1); // This should fail because the writeConcern cannot be satisfied on the to shard. req.writeConcern = {w: 4, wtimeout: 3000}; jsTest.log("Testing " + tojson(req)); req.to = s0; res = db.adminCommand(req); assert.commandFailed(res); assert(!res.writeConcernError, 'moveChunk had writeConcernError: ' + tojson(res)); checkChunkCount(1, 1); // This should fail because the writeConcern cannot be satisfied on the from shard. req.writeConcern = {w: 6, wtimeout: 3000}; jsTest.log("Testing " + tojson(req)); req.to = s0; res = db.adminCommand(req); assert.commandFailed(res); assert(!res.writeConcernError, 'moveChunk had writeConcernError: ' + tojson(res)); checkChunkCount(1, 1); // This should fail because the writeConcern is invalid and cannot be satisfied anywhere. req.writeConcern = {w: "invalid", wtimeout: 3000}; jsTest.log("Testing " + tojson(req)); req.to = s0; res = db.adminCommand(req); assert.commandFailed(res); assert(!res.writeConcernError, 'moveChunk had writeConcernError: ' + tojson(res)); checkChunkCount(1, 1); })();