(function() { 'use strict'; function sortByName(a, b) { if (a.name < b.name) return -1; if (a.name > b.name) return 1; return 0; } function checkCollectionsCopiedCorrectly(fromShard, toShard, sharded, barUUID, fooUUID) { var res = toShard.getDB("test1").runCommand({listCollections: 1}); assert.commandWorked(res); // Remove system.indexes collection (which exists in mmap) // Indexes are checked separately below. var collections = res.cursor.firstBatch.filter(coll => coll.name != 'system.indexes'); // Sort collections by name. collections.sort(sortByName); assert.eq(collections.length, 2); var c1, c2; [c1, c2] = collections; function checkName(c, expectedName) { assert.eq(c.name, expectedName, 'Expected collection to be ' + expectedName + ', got ' + c.name); } function checkOptions(c, expectedOptions) { assert.hasFields(c, ['options'], 'Missing options field for collection ' + c.name); assert.hasFields( c.options, expectedOptions, 'Missing expected option(s) for collection ' + c.name); } function checkUUIDsEqual(c, expectedUUID) { assert.hasFields(c, ['info'], 'Missing info field for collection ' + c.name); assert.hasFields(c.info, ['uuid'], 'Missing uuid field for collection ' + c.name); assert.eq(c.info.uuid, expectedUUID, 'Incorrect uuid for collection ' + c.name); } function checkUUIDsNotEqual(c, originalUUID) { assert.hasFields(c, ['info'], 'Missing info field for collection ' + c.name); assert.hasFields(c.info, ['uuid'], 'Missing uuid field for collection ' + c.name); assert.neq(c.info.uuid, originalUUID, 'UUID for ' + c.name + ' should be different than the original collection but is the same'); } function checkIndexes(collName, expectedIndexes) { var res = toShard.getDB('test1').runCommand({listIndexes: collName}); assert.commandWorked(res, 'Failed to get indexes for collection ' + collName); var indexes = res.cursor.firstBatch; indexes.sort(sortByName); assert.eq(indexes.length, 2); indexes.forEach((index, i) => { var expected; if (i == 0) { expected = {name: "_id_", key: {_id: 1}}; } else { expected = expectedIndexes[i - 1]; } Object.keys(expected).forEach(k => { assert.eq(index[k], expected[k]); }); }); } function checkCount(shard, collName, count) { var res = shard.getDB('test1').runCommand({count: collName}); assert.commandWorked(res); assert.eq(res.n, count); } checkName(c1, 'bar'); checkName(c2, 'foo'); checkOptions(c1, Object.keys(barOptions)); checkIndexes('bar', barIndexes); checkOptions(c2, Object.keys(fooOptions)); checkIndexes('foo', fooIndexes); if (sharded) { checkCount(fromShard, 'foo', 3); checkCount(fromShard, 'bar', 3); checkCount(toShard, 'foo', 0); checkCount(toShard, 'bar', 0); // UUIDs should be the same as the original checkUUIDsEqual(c1, barUUID); checkUUIDsEqual(c2, fooUUID); } else { checkCount(toShard, 'foo', 3); checkCount(toShard, 'bar', 3); checkCount(fromShard, 'foo', 0); checkCount(fromShard, 'bar', 0); // UUIDs should not be the same as the original checkUUIDsNotEqual(c1, barUUID); checkUUIDsNotEqual(c2, fooUUID); } } function createCollections(sharded) { assert.commandWorked(st.getDB('test1').runCommand({dropDatabase: 1})); var db = st.getDB('test1'); assert.commandWorked(db.createCollection('foo', fooOptions)); assert.commandWorked(db.createCollection('bar', barOptions)); for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { assert.writeOK(db.foo.insert({a: i})); assert.writeOK(db.bar.insert({a: i})); } assert.eq(3, db.foo.count()); assert.eq(3, db.bar.count()); assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({createIndexes: 'foo', indexes: fooIndexes})); assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({createIndexes: 'bar', indexes: barIndexes})); if (sharded) { assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({enableSharding: 'test1'})); assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({shardCollection: 'test1.foo', key: {_id: 1}})); assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({shardCollection: 'test1.bar', key: {_id: 1}})); } } function movePrimaryWithFailpoint(sharded) { var db = st.getDB('test1'); createCollections(sharded); var fromShard = st.getPrimaryShard('test1'); var toShard = st.getOther(fromShard); assert.eq( 3, fromShard.getDB("test1").foo.count(), "from shard doesn't have data before move"); assert.eq(0, toShard.getDB("test1").foo.count(), "to shard has data before move"); assert.eq( 3, fromShard.getDB("test1").bar.count(), "from shard doesn't have data before move"); assert.eq(0, toShard.getDB("test1").bar.count(), "to shard has data before move"); var listCollsFrom = fromShard.getDB("test1").runCommand({listCollections: 1}); var fromColls = listCollsFrom.cursor.firstBatch.filter(coll => coll.name != 'system.indexes'); fromColls.sort(sortByName); var baruuid = fromColls[0].info.uuid; var foouuid = fromColls[1].info.uuid; assert.commandWorked(toShard.getDB("admin").runCommand( {configureFailPoint: 'movePrimaryFailPoint', mode: 'alwaysOn'})); // Failpoint will cause movePrimary to fail after the first collection has been copied over assert.commandFailed(st.s0.adminCommand({movePrimary: "test1", to: toShard.name})); assert.commandWorked(toShard.getDB("admin").runCommand( {configureFailPoint: 'movePrimaryFailPoint', mode: 'off'})); if (sharded) { // If the collections are sharded, the UUID of the collection on the donor should be // copied over and the options should be the same so retrying the move should succeed. assert.commandWorked(st.s0.adminCommand({movePrimary: "test1", to: toShard.name})); checkCollectionsCopiedCorrectly(fromShard, toShard, sharded, baruuid, foouuid); // Now change an option on the toShard, and verify that calling clone again fails if // the options don't match. assert.commandWorked( toShard.getDB('test1').runCommand({collMod: 'bar', validationLevel: 'moderate'})); assert.commandFailed(st.s0.adminCommand({movePrimary: "test1", to: fromShard.name})); } else { // If the collections are unsharded, we should fail when any collections being copied // exist on the target shard. assert.commandFailed(st.s0.adminCommand({movePrimary: "test1", to: toShard.name})); } } function movePrimaryNoFailpoint(sharded) { var db = st.getDB('test1'); createCollections(sharded); var fromShard = st.getPrimaryShard('test1'); var toShard = st.getOther(fromShard); assert.eq( 3, fromShard.getDB("test1").foo.count(), "from shard doesn't have data before move"); assert.eq(0, toShard.getDB("test1").foo.count(), "to shard has data before move"); assert.eq( 3, fromShard.getDB("test1").bar.count(), "from shard doesn't have data before move"); assert.eq(0, toShard.getDB("test1").bar.count(), "to shard has data before move"); var listCollsFrom = fromShard.getDB("test1").runCommand({listCollections: 1}); var fromColls = listCollsFrom.cursor.firstBatch.filter(coll => coll.name != 'system.indexes'); fromColls.sort(sortByName); var baruuid = fromColls[0].info.uuid; var foouuid = fromColls[1].info.uuid; assert.commandWorked(st.s0.adminCommand({movePrimary: "test1", to: toShard.name})); checkCollectionsCopiedCorrectly(fromShard, toShard, sharded, baruuid, foouuid); } var st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2}); var fooOptions = {validationLevel: "off"}; var barOptions = {validator: {$jsonSchema: {required: ['a']}}}; var fooIndexes = [{key: {a: 1}, name: 'index1', expireAfterSeconds: 5000}]; var barIndexes = [{key: {a: -1}, name: 'index2'}]; // Set FCV to 3.6 assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "3.6"})); movePrimaryWithFailpoint(true); movePrimaryWithFailpoint(false); movePrimaryNoFailpoint(true); movePrimaryNoFailpoint(false); // Set FCV to 4.0 assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "4.0"})); movePrimaryWithFailpoint(true); movePrimaryWithFailpoint(false); movePrimaryNoFailpoint(true); movePrimaryNoFailpoint(false); st.stop(); })();