/** * This test sets moveParanoia flag and then check that the directory is created with the moved data */ var st = new ShardingTest({ shards: 2, mongos: 1, other: {chunkSize: 1, enableAutoSplit: true, shardOptions: {moveParanoia: ""}} }); load("jstests/sharding/movechunk_include.js"); setupMoveChunkTest(st); var shards = [st.shard0, st.shard1]; var foundMoveChunk = false; for (i in shards) { var dbpath = shards[i].adminCommand("getCmdLineOpts").parsed.storage.dbPath; var hasMoveChunkDir = 0 != ls(dbpath) .filter(function(a) { return null != a.match("moveChunk"); }) .length; foundMoveChunk = foundMoveChunk || hasMoveChunkDir; } assert(foundMoveChunk, "did not find moveChunk directory!"); st.stop();