function debug( str ) { print( "---\n" + str + "\n-----" ); } var name = "badNonUpdate"; debug("Starting sharded cluster test stuff"); s = new ShardingTest( {name: name, shards : 2, mongos : 2, separateConfig : true, verbose:5, nopreallocj : true }); var mongosA=s.s0; var mongosB=s.s1; ns = "test.coll"; ns2 = "test.coll2"; adminSA = mongosA.getDB( "admin" ); adminSA.runCommand({ enableSharding : "test"}); adminSA.runCommand( { moveprimary : "test", to : "shard0000" } ); adminSA.runCommand( { moveprimary : "test2", to : "shard0001" } ); adminSA.runCommand({ shardCollection : ns, key : { _id : 1 } }); try { s.stopBalancer(); } catch (e) { print("coundn't stop balancer via command"); } adminSA.settings.update({ _id: 'balancer' }, { $set: { stopped: true }}); var db = mongosA.getDB( "test" ); var coll = db.coll; var coll2 = db.coll2; numDocs = 10; for (var i = 1; i < numDocs; i++) { coll.insert({_id:i, control:0}); coll2.insert({_id:i, control:0}); } debug("Inserted docs, now split chunks"); adminSA.runCommand( { split: ns, find : { _id : 3} }); adminSA.runCommand( { movechunk: ns, find : { _id : 10}, to: "shard0001" }); var command = 'printjson(db.coll.update({ _id: 9 }, { $set: { a: "9" }}, true));'; // without this first query through mongo, the second time doesn't "fail" debug("Try query first time"); runMongoProgram( "mongo", "--quiet", "--port", "" + s._mongos[1].port, "--eval", command ); var res = mongosB.getDB("test").coll2.update({ _id: 0 }, { $set: { c: "333" }}); assert.eq( 0, res.nModified ); s.stop();