// Check that the output from printShardingStatus() (aka sh.status()) // contains important information that it should, like the major section // headings and the names of sharded collections and their shard keys. (function() { var st = new ShardingTest({shards: 1, mongos: 2, config: 1, other: {smallfiles: true}}); var mongos = st.s0; var admin = mongos.getDB("admin"); function grabStatusOutput(configdb, verbose) { var res = print.captureAllOutput(function() { return printShardingStatus(configdb, verbose); }); var output = res.output.join("\n"); jsTestLog(output); return output; } function assertPresentInOutput(output, content, what) { assert(output.includes(content), what + " \"" + content + "\" NOT present in output of " + "printShardingStatus() (but it should be)"); } function assertNotPresentInOutput(output, content, what) { assert(!output.includes(content), what + " \"" + content + "\" IS present in output of " + "printShardingStatus() (but it should not be)"); } //////////////////////// // Basic tests //////////////////////// var dbName = "thisIsTheDatabase"; var collName = "thisIsTheCollection"; var shardKeyName = "thisIsTheShardKey"; var nsName = dbName + "." + collName; assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({enableSharding: dbName})); var key = {}; key[shardKeyName] = 1; assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({shardCollection: nsName, key: key})); function testBasic(output) { assertPresentInOutput(output, "shards:", "section header"); assertPresentInOutput(output, "databases:", "section header"); assertPresentInOutput(output, "balancer:", "section header"); assertPresentInOutput(output, "active mongoses:", "section header"); assertNotPresentInOutput(output, "most recently active mongoses:", "section header"); assertPresentInOutput(output, dbName, "database"); assertPresentInOutput(output, collName, "collection"); assertPresentInOutput(output, shardKeyName, "shard key"); } function testBasicNormalOnly(output) { assertPresentInOutput(output, tojson(version) + " : 2\n", "active mongos version"); } function testBasicVerboseOnly(output) { assertPresentInOutput( output, '"mongoVersion" : ' + tojson(version), "active mongos version"); assertPresentInOutput(output, '"_id" : ' + tojson(s1Host), "active mongos hostname"); assertPresentInOutput(output, '"_id" : ' + tojson(s2Host), "active mongos hostname"); } var buildinfo = assert.commandWorked(mongos.adminCommand("buildinfo")); var serverStatus1 = assert.commandWorked(mongos.adminCommand("serverStatus")); var serverStatus2 = assert.commandWorked(st.s1.adminCommand("serverStatus")); var version = buildinfo.version; var s1Host = serverStatus1.host; var s2Host = serverStatus2.host; // Normal, active mongoses var outputNormal = grabStatusOutput(st.config, false); testBasic(outputNormal); testBasicNormalOnly(outputNormal); var outputVerbose = grabStatusOutput(st.config, true); testBasic(outputVerbose); testBasicVerboseOnly(outputVerbose); // Take a copy of the config db, in order to test the harder-to-setup cases below. // TODO: Replace this manual copy with copydb once SERVER-13080 is fixed. var config = mongos.getDB("config"); var configCopy = mongos.getDB("configCopy"); config.getCollectionInfos().forEach(function(c) { // Create collection with options. assert.commandWorked(configCopy.createCollection(c.name, c.options)); // Clone the docs. config.getCollection(c.name).find().snapshot().forEach(function(d) { assert.writeOK(configCopy.getCollection(c.name).insert(d)); }); // Build the indexes. config.getCollection(c.name).getIndexes().forEach(function(i) { var key = i.key; delete i.key; delete i.ns; delete i.v; assert.commandWorked(configCopy.getCollection(c.name).ensureIndex(key, i)); }); }); // Inactive mongoses // Make the first ping be older than now by 1 second more than the threshold // Make the second ping be older still by the same amount again var pingAdjustMs = 60000 + 1000; var then = new Date(); then.setTime(then.getTime() - pingAdjustMs); configCopy.mongos.update({_id: s1Host}, {$set: {ping: then}}); then.setTime(then.getTime() - pingAdjustMs); configCopy.mongos.update({_id: s2Host}, {$set: {ping: then}}); var output = grabStatusOutput(configCopy, false); assertPresentInOutput(output, "most recently active mongoses:", "section header"); assertPresentInOutput(output, tojson(version) + " : 1\n", "recent mongos version"); var output = grabStatusOutput(configCopy, true); assertPresentInOutput(output, "most recently active mongoses:", "section header"); assertPresentInOutput(output, '"_id" : ' + tojson(s1Host), "recent mongos hostname"); assertNotPresentInOutput(output, '"_id" : ' + tojson(s2Host), "old mongos hostname"); // Older mongoses configCopy.mongos.remove({_id: s1Host}); var output = grabStatusOutput(configCopy, false); assertPresentInOutput(output, "most recently active mongoses:", "section header"); assertPresentInOutput(output, tojson(version) + " : 1\n", "recent mongos version"); var output = grabStatusOutput(configCopy, true); assertPresentInOutput(output, "most recently active mongoses:", "section header"); assertNotPresentInOutput(output, '"_id" : ' + tojson(s1Host), "removed mongos hostname"); assertPresentInOutput(output, '"_id" : ' + tojson(s2Host), "recent mongos hostname"); // No mongoses at all configCopy.mongos.remove({}); var output = grabStatusOutput(configCopy, false); assertPresentInOutput(output, "most recently active mongoses:\n\tnone", "no mongoses"); var output = grabStatusOutput(configCopy, true); assertPresentInOutput( output, "most recently active mongoses:\n\tnone", "no mongoses (verbose)"); assert(mongos.getDB(dbName).dropDatabase()); //////////////////////// // Extended tests //////////////////////// var testCollDetailsNum = 0; function testCollDetails(args) { if (args === undefined || typeof(args) != "object") { args = {}; } var getCollName = function(x) { return "test.test" + x.zeroPad(4); }; var collName = getCollName(testCollDetailsNum); var cmdObj = {shardCollection: collName, key: {_id: 1}}; if (args.unique) { cmdObj.unique = true; } assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand(cmdObj)); if (args.hasOwnProperty("unique")) { assert.writeOK(mongos.getDB("config").collections.update( {_id: collName}, {$set: {"unique": args.unique}})); } if (args.hasOwnProperty("noBalance")) { assert.writeOK(mongos.getDB("config").collections.update( {_id: collName}, {$set: {"noBalance": args.noBalance}})); } var output = grabStatusOutput(st.config); assertPresentInOutput(output, collName, "collection"); // If any of the previous collection names are present, then their optional indicators // might also be present. This might taint the results when we go searching through // the output. // This also means that earlier collNames can't be a prefix of later collNames. for (var i = 0; i < testCollDetailsNum; i++) { assertNotPresentInOutput(output, getCollName(i), "previous collection"); } assertPresentInOutput(output, "unique: " + (!!args.unique), "unique shard key indicator"); if (args.hasOwnProperty("unique") && typeof(args.unique) != "boolean") { // non-bool: actual value must be shown assertPresentInOutput( output, tojson(args.unique), "unique shard key indicator (non bool)"); } assertPresentInOutput(output, "balancing: " + (!args.noBalance), "balancing indicator (inverse of noBalance)"); if (args.hasOwnProperty("noBalance") && typeof(args.noBalance) != "boolean") { // non-bool: actual value must be shown assertPresentInOutput(output, tojson(args.noBalance), "noBalance indicator (non bool)"); } assert(mongos.getCollection(collName).drop()); testCollDetailsNum++; } assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({enableSharding: "test"})); // Defaults testCollDetails({}); // Expected values testCollDetails({unique: false, noBalance: false}); testCollDetails({unique: true, noBalance: true}); // Unexpected truthy values testCollDetails({unique: "truthy unique value 1", noBalance: "truthy noBalance value 1"}); testCollDetails({unique: 1, noBalance: 1}); testCollDetails({unique: -1, noBalance: -1}); testCollDetails({unique: {}, noBalance: {}}); // Unexpected falsy values testCollDetails({unique: "", noBalance: ""}); testCollDetails({unique: 0, noBalance: 0}); assert(mongos.getDB("test").dropDatabase()); st.stop(); })();