// Test read after opTime functionality with maxTimeMS on config servers (CSRS only)`. (function() { 'use strict'; var shardingTest = new ShardingTest({shards: 0}); assert(shardingTest.configRS, 'this test requires config servers to run in CSRS mode'); var configReplSetTest = shardingTest.configRS; var primaryConn = configReplSetTest.getPrimary(); var lastOp = configReplSetTest.awaitLastOpCommitted(); assert(lastOp, 'invalid op returned from ReplSetTest.awaitLastOpCommitted()'); var config = configReplSetTest.getReplSetConfigFromNode(); var term = -1; if (config.protocolVersion === 1) { term = lastOp.t; } var runFindCommand = function(ts) { return primaryConn.getDB('local').runCommand({ find: 'oplog.rs', readConcern: { afterOpTime: { ts: ts, t: term, }, }, maxTimeMS: 5000, }); }; assert.commandWorked(runFindCommand(lastOp.ts)); var pingIntervalSeconds = 10; assert.commandFailedWithCode( runFindCommand(new Timestamp(lastOp.ts.getTime() + pingIntervalSeconds * 5, 0)), ErrorCodes.ExceededTimeLimit); var msg = 'Command on database local timed out waiting for read concern to be satisfied.'; assert.soon(function() { var logMessages = assert.commandWorked(primaryConn.adminCommand({getLog: 'global'})).log; for (var i = 0; i < logMessages.length; i++) { if (logMessages[i].indexOf(msg) != -1) { return true; } } return false; }, 'Did not see any log entries containing the following message: ' + msg, 60000, 300); })();