// Tests propagation of RWC defaults across a sharded cluster. (function() { 'use strict'; load("jstests/libs/read_write_concern_defaults_propagation_common.js"); var st = new ShardingTest({ shards: 1, mongos: 3, other: { rs: true, rs0: {nodes: 1}, } }); const mongosAndConfigNodes = [st.s0, st.s1, st.s2, ...st.configRS.nodes]; ReadWriteConcernDefaultsPropagation.runTests(st.s0, mongosAndConfigNodes); // Verify the in-memory defaults are updated correctly. This verifies the cache is invalidated // properly on secondaries when an update to the defaults document is replicated because the // in-memory value will only be updated after an invalidation. ReadWriteConcernDefaultsPropagation.runTests(st.s0, mongosAndConfigNodes, true /* inMemory */); ReadWriteConcernDefaultsPropagation.runDropAndDeleteTests(st.s0, mongosAndConfigNodes); ReadWriteConcernDefaultsPropagation.runDropAndDeleteTests(st.configRS.getPrimary(), mongosAndConfigNodes); st.stop(); })();