/* * Test that a reconfig for a shard that would change the implicit default write concern to w:1 * fails if CWWC is not set. * * @tags: [requires_majority_read_concern, requires_persistence, requires_fcv_51] */ (function() { 'use strict'; load("jstests/replsets/rslib.js"); // For reconfig, isConfigCommitted and // safeReconfigShouldFail. const configurationIncompatibleMsg = "config that would change the implicit default write concern on the shard to {w: 1}."; const configServerUnreachableMsg = "the request to the config server is failing with error:"; let addNodeConfig = function(rst, nodeId, conn, arbiter) { const config = rst.getReplSetConfigFromNode(); if (arbiter) { config.members.push({_id: nodeId, host: conn.host, arbiterOnly: true}); } else { config.members.push({_id: nodeId, host: conn.host}); } return config; }; let removeNodeConfig = function(rst, conn) { const config = rst.getReplSetConfigFromNode(); for (var i = 0; i < config.members.length; i++) { if (config.members[i].host == conn.host) { config.members.splice(i, 1); break; } } return config; }; function testReconfig(rst, config, shouldSucceed, errCode, errMsg) { if (shouldSucceed) { reconfig(rst, config); assert.soon(() => isConfigCommitted(rst.getPrimary())); rst.waitForConfigReplication(rst.getPrimary()); rst.awaitReplication(); } else { safeReconfigShouldFail(rst, config, false /* force */, errCode, errMsg); // A force reconfig should also fail. safeReconfigShouldFail(rst, config, true /* force */, errCode, errMsg); } } jsTestLog("Testing to reconfig a shard that is not yet added to a sharded cluster."); let logPrefix = "While the shard is not part of a sharded cluster: "; let shardServer = new ReplSetTest( {name: "shardServer", nodes: 1, nodeOptions: {shardsvr: ""}, useHostName: true}); shardServer.startSet(); shardServer.initiateWithHighElectionTimeout(); jsTestLog(logPrefix + "Adding an arbiter node that will change IDWC to (w:1) should succeed."); let arbiter = shardServer.add(); testReconfig(shardServer, addNodeConfig(shardServer, 1 /* nodeId */, arbiter /* conn */, true /* arbiter */), true /* shouldSucceed */); jsTestLog(logPrefix + "Removing an arbiter node that will change IDWC to (w: 'Majority') should succeed."); shardServer.remove(arbiter); testReconfig(shardServer, removeNodeConfig(shardServer, arbiter), true /* shouldSucceed */); shardServer.stopSet(); jsTestLog("Testing to reconfig a shard that is part of a sharded cluster."); logPrefix = "While the shard is part of a sharded cluster: "; shardServer = new ReplSetTest( {name: "shardServer", nodes: 1, nodeOptions: {shardsvr: ""}, useHostName: true}); shardServer.startSet(); shardServer.initiateWithHighElectionTimeout(); const st = new ShardingTest({shards: 0, mongos: 1}); var admin = st.getDB('admin'); jsTestLog("Adding the shard to the cluster should succeed."); assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({addshard: shardServer.getURL()})); jsTestLog(logPrefix + "Adding an non-arbiter node that will keep IDWC set to (w: 'Majority') should succeed."); testReconfig( shardServer, addNodeConfig(shardServer, 1 /* nodeId */, shardServer.add() /* conn */, false /* arbiter */), true /* shouldSucceed */); jsTestLog(logPrefix + "Adding an arbiter node that will change IDWC to (w:1) should fail."); arbiter = shardServer.add(); testReconfig(shardServer, addNodeConfig(shardServer, 2 /* nodeId */, arbiter /* conn */, true /* arbiter */), false /* shouldSucceed */, ErrorCodes.NewReplicaSetConfigurationIncompatible, configurationIncompatibleMsg); jsTestLog("Setting the CWWC on the cluster."); logPrefix = "While CWWC is set on the sharded cluster: "; assert.commandWorked( st.s.adminCommand({setDefaultRWConcern: 1, defaultWriteConcern: {w: "majority", wtimeout: 0}})); jsTestLog(logPrefix + "Adding an arbiter node that will change IDWC to (w:1) should succeed."); testReconfig(shardServer, addNodeConfig(shardServer, 2 /* nodeId */, arbiter /* conn */, true /* arbiter */), true /* shouldSucceed */); jsTestLog("Testing when the config server is unreachable."); logPrefix = "While config server is unreachable: "; jsTestLog("Shutting down all config servers"); for (var i = 0; i < st.configRS.nodes.length; i++) { st.stopConfigServer(i); } st.configRS.awaitNoPrimary(); // The reason why this is okay is because CWWC had to have been set for the cluster to get to this // point, even if we can't check the config servers for it. jsTestLog(logPrefix + "Removing an arbiter node that will change IDWC to (w: 'Majority') should succeed."); shardServer.remove(arbiter); testReconfig(shardServer, removeNodeConfig(shardServer, arbiter), true /* shouldSucceed */); jsTestLog(logPrefix + "Adding an arbiter node that will change IDWC to (w: 1) should fail."); testReconfig(shardServer, addNodeConfig(shardServer, 2 /* nodeId */, arbiter /* conn */, true /* arbiter */), false /* shouldSucceed */, ErrorCodes.ConfigServerUnreachable, configServerUnreachableMsg); jsTestLog("Restarting the config servers."); logPrefix = "While the config server is reachable: "; for (var i = 0; i < st.configRS.nodes.length; i++) { st.restartConfigServer(i, undefined, undefined, true /* wait */); } st.configRS.awaitNodesAgreeOnPrimary(); print("Sleeping for 60 seconds to let the other shards restart their ReplicaSetMonitors"); sleep(60000); jsTestLog(logPrefix + "Adding an arbiter node will change IDWC to (w:1) should succeed."); arbiter = shardServer.add(); testReconfig(shardServer, addNodeConfig(shardServer, 2 /* nodeId */, arbiter /* conn */, true /* arbiter */), true /* shouldSucceed */); jsTestLog("Stopping the cluster."); st.stop(); jsTestLog("Stopping the shard."); shardServer.stopSet(); })();