/* * Tests that if reconfig did not replicate before step up, the new primary * is not stale because its new election Id takes precedence over Set version when * comparing. * * @tags: [does_not_support_stepdowns, multiversion_incompatible] */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/fail_point_util.js"); load('jstests/libs/parallel_shell_helpers.js'); load("jstests/sharding/libs/sharded_index_util.js"); // Skip db hash check because secondary is left with a different config. TestData.skipCheckDBHashes = true; const st = new ShardingTest({shards: {rs0: {nodes: [{}, {}, {rsConfig: {priority: 0}}]}}}); const rst = st.rs0; const primary = rst.getPrimary(); const nodes = rst.nodes; if (primary !== nodes[0]) { st.stop(); return; // For simplicity. } const config = rst.getReplSetConfigFromNode(); jsTestLog(`Initial config ${tojson(config)}`); config.version++; const versionToBlock = config.version; const termToBlock = config.term; let pauseInReconfig = configureFailPoint(primary, "hangAfterReconfig"); let maxElectionIdSetVersionPairUpdated = configureFailPoint(primary, "maxElectionIdSetVersionPairUpdated"); // Fail points to prevent the new config from being replicated. let testFpHangBeforeFetchingConfig1 = configureFailPoint( nodes[1], "skipBeforeFetchingConfig", {versionAndTerm: [versionToBlock, termToBlock]}); let testFpHangBeforeFetchingConfig2 = configureFailPoint( nodes[2], "skipBeforeFetchingConfig", {versionAndTerm: [versionToBlock, termToBlock]}); let runReconfigJoin = startParallelShell( funWithArgs(function(config) { jsTestLog(`Run reconfig`); let result = db.getSiblingDB("admin").runCommand({replSetReconfig: config}); jsTestLog(`Reconfig finished, result ${tojson(result)}`); }, config), primary.port); pauseInReconfig.wait(); maxElectionIdSetVersionPairUpdated.wait(); // After step up the new primary still has the Set at previous version. const nextPrimary = rst.getSecondary(); jsTestLog("Step Up"); nextPrimary.adminCommand({replSetStepUp: 1}); pauseInReconfig.off(); runReconfigJoin(); testFpHangBeforeFetchingConfig1.off(); testFpHangBeforeFetchingConfig2.off(); // This command fails if mongos' RSM was stuck with stale primary unable to rollback Set version. let res = ShardedIndexUtil.getPerShardIndexes(st.s.getCollection("config.system.sessions")); jsTestLog(`Aggregate run on Mongos ${tojson(res)}`); st.stop(); }());