/** * Test that removing and re-adding shard works correctly. * * This test is labeled resource intensive because its total io_write is 59MB compared to a median * of 5MB across all sharding tests in wiredTiger. * @tags: [resource_intensive] */ load("jstests/replsets/rslib.js"); // The UUID consistency check uses connections to shards cached on the ShardingTest object, but this // test restarts a shard, so the cached connection is not usable. TestData.skipCheckingUUIDsConsistentAcrossCluster = true; (function() { 'use strict'; function seedString(replTest) { var members = replTest.getReplSetConfig().members.map(function(elem) { return elem.host; }); return replTest.name + '/' + members.join(','); } function removeShard(st, replTest) { jsTest.log("Removing shard with name: " + replTest.name); var res = st.s.adminCommand({removeShard: replTest.name}); assert.commandWorked(res); assert.eq('started', res.state); assert.soon(function() { res = st.s.adminCommand({removeShard: replTest.name}); assert.commandWorked(res); return ('completed' === res.state); }, "failed to remove shard: " + tojson(res)); // Drop the database so the shard can be re-added. assert.commandWorked(replTest.getPrimary().getDB(coll.getDB().getName()).dropDatabase()); } function addShard(st, replTest) { var seed = seedString(replTest); print("Adding shard with seed: " + seed); try { assert.eq(true, st.adminCommand({addshard: seed})); } catch (e) { print("First attempt to addShard failed, trying again"); // transport error on first attempt is expected. Make sure second attempt goes through assert.eq(true, st.adminCommand({addshard: seed})); } awaitRSClientHosts( new Mongo(st.s.host), replTest.getSecondaries(), {ok: true, secondary: true}); assert.soon(function() { var x = st.chunkDiff(coll.getName(), coll.getDB().getName()); print("chunk diff: " + x); return x < 2; }, "no balance happened", 30 * 60 * 1000); try { assert.eq(300, coll.find().itcount()); } catch (e) { // Expected. First query might get transport error and need to reconnect. printjson(e); assert.eq(300, coll.find().itcount()); } print("Shard added successfully"); } var st = new ShardingTest( {shards: {rs0: {nodes: 2}, rs1: {nodes: 2}}, other: {chunkSize: 1, enableBalancer: true}}); // Pending resolution of SERVER-8598, we need to wait for deletion after chunk migrations to // avoid a pending delete re-creating a database after it was dropped. st.s.getDB("config").settings.update({_id: "balancer"}, {$set: {_waitForDelete: true}}, true); var conn = new Mongo(st.s.host); var coll = conn.getCollection("test.remove2"); coll.drop(); assert.commandWorked(st.s0.adminCommand({enableSharding: coll.getDB().getName()})); st.ensurePrimaryShard(coll.getDB().getName(), st.shard0.shardName); assert.commandWorked(st.s0.adminCommand({shardCollection: coll.getFullName(), key: {i: 1}})); // Setup initial data var str = 'a'; while (str.length < 1024 * 16) { str += str; } var bulk = coll.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); for (var i = 0; i < 300; i++) { bulk.insert({i: i % 10, str: str}); } assert.writeOK(bulk.execute()); assert.eq(300, coll.find().itcount()); assert.soon(function() { var x = st.chunkDiff('remove2', "test"); print("chunk diff: " + x); return x < 2; }, "no balance happened", 30 * 60 * 1000); assert.eq(300, coll.find().itcount()); st.printShardingStatus(); var rst1 = st.rs1; // Remove shard and add it back in, without shutting it down. jsTestLog("Attempting to remove shard and add it back in"); removeShard(st, rst1); addShard(st, rst1); // Remove shard, restart set, then add it back in. jsTestLog("Attempting to remove shard, restart the set, and then add it back in"); var originalSeed = seedString(rst1); removeShard(st, rst1); rst1.stopSet(); print("Sleeping for 20 seconds to let the other shard's ReplicaSetMonitor time out"); sleep(20000); // 1 failed check should take 10 seconds, sleep for 20 just to be safe rst1.startSet({restart: true}); rst1.initiate(); rst1.awaitReplication(); assert.eq( originalSeed, seedString(rst1), "Set didn't come back up with the same hosts as before"); addShard(st, rst1); // Shut down shard and wait for its ReplicaSetMonitor to be cleaned up, then start it back up // and use it. // // TODO: test this both with AND without waiting for the ReplicaSetMonitor to be cleaned up. // // This part doesn't pass, even without cleaning up the ReplicaSetMonitor - see SERVER-5900. /* printjson( conn.getDB('admin').runCommand({movePrimary : 'test2', to : rst1.name}) ); printjson( conn.getDB('admin').runCommand({setParameter : 1, replMonitorMaxFailedChecks : 5}) ); jsTestLog( "Shutting down set" ) rst1.stopSet(); jsTestLog( "sleeping for 20 seconds to make sure ReplicaSetMonitor gets cleaned up"); sleep(20000); // 1 failed check should take 10 seconds, sleep for 20 just to be safe // Should fail since rst1 is the primary for test2 assert.throws(function() {conn.getDB('test2').foo.find().itcount()}); jsTestLog( "Bringing set back up" ); rst1.startSet(); rst1.initiate(); rst1.awaitReplication(); jsTestLog( "Checking that set is usable again" ); //conn.getDB('admin').runCommand({flushRouterConfig:1}); // Uncommenting this makes test pass conn.getDB('test2').foo.insert({a:1}); gle = conn.getDB('test2').runCommand('getLastError'); if ( !gle.ok ) { // Expected. First write will fail and need to re-connect print( "write failed" ); printjson( gle ); conn.getDB('test2').foo.insert({a:1}); assert( conn.getDB('test2').getLastErrorObj().ok ); } assert.eq( 1, conn.getDB('test2').foo.find().itcount() ); assert( conn.getDB('test2').dropDatabase().ok ); */ // Remove shard and add a new shard with the same replica set and shard name, but different // ports jsTestLog("Attempt removing shard and adding a new shard with the same Replica Set name"); removeShard(st, rst1); rst1.stopSet(); print("Sleeping for 60 seconds to let the other shards restart their ReplicaSetMonitors"); sleep(60000); var rst2 = new ReplSetTest({name: rst1.name, nodes: 2, useHostName: true}); rst2.startSet({shardsvr: ""}); rst2.initiate(); rst2.awaitReplication(); addShard(st, rst2); printjson(st.admin.runCommand({movePrimary: 'test2', to: rst2.name})); assert.eq(300, coll.find().itcount()); conn.getDB('test2').foo.insert({a: 1}); assert.eq(1, conn.getDB('test2').foo.find().itcount()); // Can't shut down with rst2 in the set or ShardingTest will fail trying to cleanup on shutdown. // Have to take out rst2 and put rst1 back into the set so that it can clean up. jsTestLog("Putting ShardingTest back to state it expects"); printjson(st.admin.runCommand({movePrimary: 'test2', to: st.rs0.name})); removeShard(st, rst2); rst2.stopSet(); print("Sleeping for 60 seconds to let the other shards restart their ReplicaSetMonitors"); sleep(60000); rst1.startSet({restart: true}); rst1.initiate(); rst1.awaitReplication(); assert.eq( originalSeed, seedString(rst1), "Set didn't come back up with the same hosts as before"); addShard(st, rst1); st.stop(); })();