load("jstests/replsets/rslib.js"); /** * Test for making sure that the replica seed list in the config server does not * become invalid when a replica set reconfig happens. */ (function() { "use strict"; var NODE_COUNT = 3; var st = new ShardingTest({shards: {rs0: {nodes: NODE_COUNT, oplogSize: 10}}}); var replTest = st.rs0; var mongos = st.s; var shardDoc = mongos.getDB('config').shards.findOne(); assert.eq(NODE_COUNT, shardDoc.host.split(',').length); // seed list should contain all nodes /* Make sure that the first node is not the primary (by making the second one primary). * We need to do this since the ReplicaSetMonitor iterates over the nodes one * by one and you can't remove a node that is currently the primary. */ var connPoolStats = mongos.getDB('admin').runCommand({connPoolStats: 1}); var targetHostName = connPoolStats['replicaSets'][replTest.name].hosts[1].addr; var priConn = replTest.getPrimary(); var confDoc = priConn.getDB("local").system.replset.findOne(); for (var idx = 0; idx < confDoc.members.length; idx++) { if (confDoc.members[idx].host == targetHostName) { confDoc.members[idx].priority = 100; } else { confDoc.members[idx].priority = 1; } } confDoc.version++; jsTest.log('Changing conf to ' + tojson(confDoc)); reconfig(replTest, confDoc); awaitRSClientHosts(mongos, {host: targetHostName}, {ok: true, ismaster: true}); // Remove first node from set confDoc.members.shift(); confDoc.version++; reconfig(replTest, confDoc); jsTest.log("Waiting for mongos to reflect change in shard replica set membership."); var replView; assert.soon( function() { var connPoolStats = mongos.getDB('admin').runCommand('connPoolStats'); replView = connPoolStats.replicaSets[replTest.name].hosts; return replView.length == confDoc.members.length; }, function() { return ("Expected to find " + confDoc.members.length + " nodes but found " + replView.length + " in " + tojson(replView)); }); jsTest.log("Waiting for config.shards to reflect change in shard replica set membership."); assert.soon( function() { shardDoc = mongos.getDB('config').shards.findOne(); // seed list should contain one less node return shardDoc.host.split(',').length == confDoc.members.length; }, function() { return ("Expected to find " + confDoc.members.length + " nodes but found " + shardDoc.host.split(',').length + " in " + shardDoc.host); }); st.stop(); }());