/** * Test that trying to use $_resumeAfter and $_requestResumeToken options to resume a query fails * on mongos. * @tags: [ * multiversion_incompatible, * ] */ (function() { "use strict"; const st = new ShardingTest({shards: 1}); const db = st.getDB("test"); // $_requestResumeToken is disallowed. assert.commandFailedWithCode( db.runCommand({find: "test", hint: {$natural: 1}, batchSize: 1, $_requestResumeToken: true}), ErrorCodes.BadValue); // Passing a $_resumeAfter token is disallowed. assert.commandFailedWithCode(db.runCommand({ find: "test", hint: {$natural: 1}, batchSize: 1, $_resumeAfter: {$recordId: NumberLong(1)} }), ErrorCodes.BadValue); // Passing both is disallowed. assert.commandFailedWithCode(db.runCommand({ find: "test", hint: {$natural: 1}, batchSize: 1, $_requestResumeToken: true, $_resumeAfter: {$recordId: NumberLong(1)} }), ErrorCodes.BadValue); st.stop(); })();